Trip to Ottawa( I need help getting there)


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Ok , there is this girl that I like, and she likes me a lot. We live somewhat far away from each other 30-45 min away to be exact. She is going to Ottawa on March Break for the entire week, and she wanted me to go with her. Now she has never met my mom or dad, but Im hoping thats not an issue. I just need a good reason to go down there, because this trip has to happen. My parents would never let me go down there just to see some girl.

Any Ideas to help me? plz!!!
To get your end away

Always been a good reason for me*

(*Warning not all family's see this as a valid excuse)
run away, sneak back cassualy, when their suprised your here deny every being gone and claim their crazy
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the thing is I need a ride to the train station, I cant really run away.
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im 15 lol, and I dont have enough cash for a taxi.

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