Trading in Brain Academy


WiiChat Member
Apr 8, 2007
I've owned this game for about 1 week now and I've decided to try and trade it in at EBgames. It is kinda fun but I have more fun playing wario, wiiplay, or mario party. If they do indeed trade wii games at EB I'm going to purchase Rayman I think.

Anyone else decided that Brain Academy isn't for them?
i was gonna get it only because it cheap, but no offence i dont see how anybody could like warioware over anything else i traded mine in for £22/$44
at game becuase i hated it so much. PLease dont let this lead into an argument im just posting my views
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I'm pretty sure I paid normal wii game price for it (59.99CAD here in Canada)

Where did you guys find it on sale??

I do agree that it's a neat little game, especially if you can get it for cheap but I've had my fun with it, wish I would have just rented.

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