Toys R Us, NYC


WiiChat Member
Oct 13, 2006
Hello! I went to Toys R Us today to preorder the Wii, when I got there, there were more than 150 people waiting in line! and the gaurds wont let anymore more stand in the line!! I was gonna cry, then I started asking people in line whether they were here for the Wii or the PS3, 60% of them came for the PS3. So I waited there, in hope that the line finishes and they would still hava Wii for me. While I was waiting, this guy comes to me and asks me if I wanna buy his preorder from him for $20+the $50...!!!! and while he was asking me I saw them closing the door and telling the people that the Wii preorders are OVER, So I said yes!!!!!!!

Do you have any idea which stores will have a midnight launch and will sell the Wii on first come fist serve basis? (in new york)

If the receipt specifies his name you may run into a problem come launch. I know my ticket shows my name on it and I was told when I paid for my Wii that on launch day I'll have to show a picture ID with my receipt to pickup my console. This was at FYE though, but ToysRus may have a similair policy for things like this.
Yeh, the dude can still pick up his pre-order without the reciept, provided he has ID. As the names and pre-orders are kept on the store computers. Not sure if he was conning you out of your money, or if he was serious. I would imagine people buying off Ebay would have this same problem.

Not sure how things work over there in America.
I'm not so sure about that, because I didn't give my name when I got my preorder at TRU on Sunday. I would do the same thing as mentioned before. Just make sure the receipt doesn't specify someone's name on it.
Hopefully they will do the same. :)
And sorry for being a n00b but what is TRU ?

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