tortoise trouble

You could always pop into an office supply store or something similar and get some UV filter plastic (The blue/purple transparent plastic that you see on office windows). Stick that where there is a direct line of sight from your tortoise tank and where you'll be sitting to play?

And on a side note. Christmas Lights.... Seriously? It's still November....!
Seeing as the sensor bar has UV LEDS which the Wii-mote picks up to work out its position I would think that a huge UV source like that would have a big effect.
Icuic makes a good point though with the UV filter thing
I'll have the very same problem! I have my White Tree Frogs terrarium in my bedroom and my Yemeni Chamelions in my living room...
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just so you know... the Ultraviolet bulb didn't affect my Wii at all. no problems at all, and my tortoise didn't end up glowing either. lol :lol: