top 10 gamecube games I should buy for my wii

linkzeldagame said:
I tried BGE and got 1/3 through and got bored with it. Too repetitive enemies but the story's decent. Ubisoft should've made more variety of enemies than hearing the same old "Clear Area: Accorded" every time a guard spots you.

yah that's true, it definatly could have used more enemy types.
and the ending SUCKED A$$.
tank said:
That's almost my exact list. Same games, different order. I bought a Wavebird and looked for all of those games. I ended up getting each for 5-10 bucks....what a steal. I've actually been playing GC games more than Wii games. I beat Red Steel and Marvel:UA, so I'm just playing GC untill more games come out.

Where are you getting them for 5-10 bucks? New or used?

Of the following list which five should I definately get?

In no particular order:

Supermonkey Ball 2
Viewtiful Joe
Pikmin 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart Double Dash
Tales of Symphonia
Metroid 2
Resident Evil 4
Eternal Darkness