Too Human


Dec 27, 2006

I was watching a gamer program this morning and they mentioned this, I'd heard about it before so it wasn't new to me, but I hadn't heard anyone mention it on here, so I thought I'd make this thread.

So any body looking forward too it? What you guys think so far? Personally I'm hoping to get this on release, it looks kick ass. If you haven't heard about it before, no sweat, here's some information about it.

Too Human is a third-person action adventure role playing game mixing elements of games like Devil May Cry and Diablo. It features twitch gameplay in the form of fast paced melee and ranged combat while also maintaining deep RPG elements including skill tree progression and dungeon crawling.

The player takes on the role of Baldur, one of the Aesir. In the ancient past the Norse Gods truly existed, although only in the form of cybernetically enhanced humans. Baldur, son of Odin is one of these gods and it is his charge to protect the human race from an onslaught of an advancing machine presence determined to eradicate all human life.

In Too Human, the story chronicles the ongoing struggle between cybernetic Norse gods, the invading machine presence and mortal men through an epic story.

One of the major themes of Too Human is the extent of cybernetic upgrades that the gods use. In their battles against the approaching mechanical armies, the gods must continually enhance themselves through upgrading their cybernetics to keep up with their opponents, thus they become increasingly similar to their machine adversaries. Baldur, the title character is viewed by the other Norse gods in Too Human as being insufficiently enhanced, thus "too human".

The RPG elements of Too Human include its deep yet linear story, different selectable classes, customizable weapons, armor and cybernetics, skill tree progression and item hunting. Too Human has 15 weapon classes, including two-handed swords, hammers, polearms, pistols, rifles, lasers, and dual wielded one-handed swords and staves. The character is able to customize their armor in terms of color and its effectiveness against certain forms of attacks while also being able to swap armor sets.

So who's going to get this, etc?

Edit: Few trailers and such for your viewing pleasure =]

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Yeah i heard about this a while back but their was some speculation that it could be cancelled because of their lawsuit with epic games and their unreal engine 3. But Microsoft as been talking about it and its due to release July 1st. Though I dont think that release date is 100% for sure. Microsoft could be trying to lure people into buying Xbox by mentioning cool games like this thats not 100% sure. So until I see a definite release date announcement its still a possibility rather than a for sure thing.

But, despite all that, ive been wanting this since ive heard about it. If it comes out, im going to get it for sure. I want it more than I wanted Mass Effect because it blends Diablo II Style with Devil May Cry style for a futuristic Sword+Gun RPG. Plus its Norse Mythology! I cant wait to hear it go gold.
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On an interesting note -

Too Human was originally in development for the PlayStation as a 5-disc action-adventure game. It was shown at E3 1999, but shortly before its completion Nintendo announced an exclusive partnership with Silicon Knights, and the game was moved to the Nintendo GameCube in 2000. A teaser trailer was shown at SpaceWorld 2000 showing what appeared to be a re-building of the PlayStation game. The game never surfaced though, and the partnership between the two companies was ended. After this, the title was still thought to be in development for the GameCube, but those plans have since been canceled.
I've been looking forward to Too Human since around 360's first few months of being around. I just got to the point of i don't care about it unless it comes closer to release because it got delayed ,and bounced around so much. You know the 2 other sequels in the trilogy are already in development(read it in the ghostbusters issue of GI) ,and the original game isn't even out yet they need to get it together before developing other games.
Maximo said:
I've been looking forward to Too Human since around 360's first few months of being around. I just got to the point of i don't care about it unless it comes closer to release because it got delayed ,and bounced around so much. You know the 2 other sequels in the trilogy are already in development(read it in the ghostbusters issue of GI) ,and the original game isn't even out yet they need to get it together before developing other games.

Whats so bad about developing a game before its released? This is a good thing, it makes sure the next sequel is within the console life-span. It also keeps them in the same state of mind so the sequel doesnt bomb. Which btw, Mass Effect 2 was under development before Mass Effect was even released. ftw.

Development hell ends here.

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