time splitters 4. ANNOUNCED :O

If this does come to the Wii, I will be VERY excited! I absolutely loved TS2 on the GC, the game was just so damn fun! I love the different settings in each mission, and the multiplayer was awesome! I cannot wait for this game, I just hope to God it is actually coming to the Wii.
It's in the Wii section guys so... theres a clue that it's probably coming out for Wii.
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well, is taking the crap out of the 360's biggest franchise and the ps3 is a failure. so ime pretty sure its a wii exclusive, ime not 100% sure but ime thinking it is. wow i didnt know that this is from the same ppl that made golden eye, athanks squall.. ime more excited for games like bw2 and moh heroes. ill need some more gameplay tralers to amp me up more
manufan15 said:
It's in the Wii section guys so... theres a clue that it's probably coming out for Wii.

Two members (Doak above, and Littlewood) of the developer team have expressed interest in the system, but as far as I know, it's not confirmed for ANY system. Hope, but don't get too attached to the idea.

IGN said:
NOTE: This project has been officially announced but not confirmed for any specific platform -- the game may or may not be released for this platform. Please check back for official info.
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i loved number 2, it was so fun, i want to get this game
never played it but looking forward to it, FPS on the wii are really fun

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