Time For A demo Channel

XtremeKilling said:
a demo channel would be..............................eh...
Why hasn't nintendo release one...Are they mad?
A demon channel would be like endless hours of fun. Play one game after another.

ROFL. Marketplace. Microsoft
well i havent rented a game since n64 but yeah they should bring out a demo channel
I definetly would like to see something like this. I have a lot of games that are "on the fence" for me, and getting a demo channel to help me decide would be very useful and cool! I wonder how much it'd cost though...?
Yes we need a demo channel, something that put's the 4GB SD Card into use.. LOL :lol:
enz said:
I don't no about you guys but i'm getting bord i hate renting games because some times that week u rent them is a waste because your to busy with family functions or school work or acual work if we had a demo channel we woudl get to play some demos some time when your bord just to fool around play some demo games like who really uses the vote channle come on a demo channle would be so much more usefull or e media channel sumthing to compete with x box 360 and ps3
Don't you think ?

Spelling 3/10
Grammar and punctuation 1/10
deeman said:
Spelling 3/10
Grammar and punctuation 1/10

Stop being a professor, do you plan on giving him a diploma or something?

Really annoys me when people have nothing better to do then correct other people on their typing mistakes, spelling and punctuation...

Not all of us are born with A+ in English, man give em some breathing space...
deeman said:
Spelling 3/10
Grammar and punctuation 1/10

Pertained to Topic: 0/10

A demo channel would be great. Ninty is working on one, and personally, I cant wait.
I think that would be great. I have a 360 also, and you can download demos and know what the game is like before you but it. But for now, I just go to my local game stop, buy the game used and if I don't like it, I can return it within seven days and get all my money back. Better then paying for a rental at blockbuster.

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