Thread of Smash

PM's not a good competitive game

What defines how good a game is competitively is both balance and potential skill ceiling. Project: M is unfinished, so judging it based on flaws that will be corrected (character unbalance) is relatively unfair i.e. Sonic once broke the game, but he certainly doesn't anymore. Every other Smash game, however, is very much finished and are very much unbalanced in terms of character viability (and vBrawl's just-plain unbalanced). P:M has the upper hand here.

All Smash games have a high skill ceiling though, hence their competitive viability. P:M is very much a great competitive game, even despite it bein' unfinished.

Meta Knight should be an unlockable character. Use him right and he is overpowered. I don't know how to use his unbalanced gliding yet though.

Whether or not a character is unlocked from the start or is a secret character depends on a few things. Namely whether or not they've been a secret character in past games, as well as the order you encounter 'em in Subspace Emissary. Character balance doesn't come into it.

that aside meat night is most definitely op as hell tho
Alright, I'll rephrase:

I dislike PM competitively. PM favors floaties and the PMBR tries to define the metagame rather than letting it evolve. Let's look at Melee, for instance:
While there were obviously good characters and bad characters, Marth and Sheik stole the spotlight for a long time. They were super good. But then as the game evolved, tiers changed. People figured out how to make other characters better through testing and figuring out how they worked. And now Fox is the best character in the game. Not because Marth and Sheik got nerfed.
Look at Brawl even. Snake used to be the 2nd best character in the game hands down. And Zelda used to be the 9th. But as the metagame evolved, both of them lost all sorts of favor. It wasn't balance patches, it was players adjusting.

But now we look at PM. You cannot pick up a top tier character and expect to continue to play them. I play Pit a lot. But the second the next update comes out, he's gonna be neutered because the PMBR controls who is the best. When 3.0 dropped, people were thinking Mario was the best and they wanted nerfs. However, before the next update, people learned how to deal with him. He's no longer so good because players adapted. They changed up how strong of a character Mario was. Not the PMBR like they're sure to do with Mewtwo and Pit. And I'm very much not a fan of this style of development. I want a game that's defined by the players, not the devs.
I don't play P:M in tournys so I don't know what exactly the tourny problems are but right now Project M is at that weird stage of change. It's contently evolving yet many times it changes directions. I hated how they took away Snake's Nikita (P:M), that was my favorite tool and I never played Snake as much since its removal. The changes to ROB's recovery crushed my aspirations to main him in vBrawl. Honestly I think if ROB got his old recovery back with high tech stunts, he would fit the idea of Project M a lot better, but alas, he is a character I can't play anymore. These are the problems of the Beta Testers. Once the game is solidified, the PMBR will let the Metagame evolve without interruption. Is it still fun to play in Beta? Yes. Is it still fun to play the Beta Competitively? Yes. Will it be fun for people who only aspire to win tournys? Probably not. I guess for a Jack of All Trades Master of None like me, these kinda changes don't bother me that much but I still have my characters that were 'killed off' and it does hurt. Ultimately, Project M got some of my Brawl friends to play Melee and taught me some valuable skills in Melee making Project M more of a Melee training ground for me. In the end I love playing PM competitively, casually, and overall enjoy it like any other Smash game.
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I dislike PM competitively.

That's better.

PMBR tries to define the metagame rather than letting it evolve.

A valid argument. But that sort'a metagame "development" isn't inherently bad. It depends on whether or not they're only eliminating or fixin' the elements that break the game or take away from other good elements. Can't say I personally would know if the PMBR are meddlin' with statistics that're better off left untouched, as I ain't keepin' an eye on the patch notes.
I would put those in on purpose to get a laugh from my friends
However, putting it on their wii (without them knowing) is much more fun
By "anyone" I meant any official game designer. Hackers can do whatever the hell they want, lol. It just has to be possible in some way.
Reminds me a lot of the Street Fighter meta game. Capcom releases a new version of the IV at least once a year, to the point where there's not much of a point to stick to one character, although those games are far more balanced than Smash.
Reminds me a lot of the Street Fighter meta game. Capcom releases a new version of the IV at least once a year, to the point where there's not much of a point to stick to one character, although those games are far more balanced than Smash.

Yea, thats what they do.. I love SF 4 series.. Except SF x Tekken.. Those 2 games just cant match each other.. Big mistake

Havent played ultra yet.. I saw there is Rolento is in Ultra.. I really want to play with him..
Street Fighter games are far more balanced than Smash.

Imagine if that weren't true for Smash 4... t'would be a bloody dream come true.

'Course, one can't forget Street Fighter has had plenty'a Meat Nights. "Far more balanced" is an exaggeration for some Street Fighters... maybe all'a them. Can't say I'd know since my SF knowledge is somewhere between fuck-all and fucking nil lol.
Reminds me a lot of the Street Fighter meta game. Capcom releases a new version of the IV at least once a year, to the point where there's not much of a point to stick to one character, although those games are far more balanced than Smash.
Smash is pretty balanced. Remember, Meta Knight was nerfed in smash 4, so I don't think there really is anything else to make it more balanced (except nerf that weird dinosaur on New Pork City).
Smash is pretty balanced. Remember, Meta Knight was nerfed in smash 4, so I don't think there really is anything else to make it more balanced (except nerf that weird dinosaur on New Pork City).
Smash has never been balanced lol
The most balanced Smash was 64

And we have no idea how Smash 4 will turn out but I already know not all characters are up to par

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