Thread of Smash

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A card hustler [strike]stole[/strike] got $30 cards from my bro even when I told my bro not to trade.
Though when he bought those cards they were like a dollar but a month later when a deck using that card did the best at tournys the price shot up rapidly.
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A card hustler [strike]stole[/strike] got $30 cards from by bro even when I told my bro not to trade.
Though when he bought those cards they were like a dollar but a month later when a deck using that card did the best at tournys the price shot up rapidly.

I didn't expect someone here to have experience with that sorta stuff.
A card hustler [strike]stole[/strike] got $30 cards from my bro even when I told my bro not to trade.
Though when he bought those cards they were like a dollar but a month later when a deck using that card did the best at tournys the price shot up rapidly.

Predicting developing metagame and buyin' cards while they're cheap is how the wisest TCG hustlers make their biggest, albeit riskiest profits. Selling before the metagame crashes and redevelops is just as important; it's basically a stock market held on pieces'a cardboard. As an example of the latter, I got deep into competitive Yugioh right before the first banlist. I adopted the bullshit "YataLock" deck (a deck so broken it spawned the first banlist) like most-everyone else did, and lost plenty'a money because of that sudden banlist. Still have my 3 Chaos Emperor Dragon and 3 Yata Garasu...

Contrarily, I quite thoroughly remember stocking up on oh-so valuable Monarchs 'fore the Treeborn metagame started. ♪

eugh 1 hour
**** u your name has night in it

You built YataLock? I don't think we can be friends anymore

I ran Exodia prior, which died horribly to YataLock. Had no choice but to roll with it for the monies. Ya can't blame me... ;_;

I ran Exodia for the same reason I picked up YataLock: nothing could compete with it. Mirror Force, Swords of Revealing Light, Witch o' the Black, Sangan and draw cards like PoG 'n Graceful not bein' even semi-limited meant that only an idiot didn't run Exodia during that period. The game was still blossoming and Konami did a **** job balancing, it ain't my fault.

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