Those with Wii's

There isn't much that is bad about them that I have found so far. I wish you could calibrate the Wiimote a little bit because when I point at it the cursor is a bit lower than where I am actually pointing but that doesn't bother me too much. And the only game I have is Zelda which is overall pretty good but it was obviously made for the GC and then they threw in a few little things to take advantage of the motion sensing. So it would be nice if Zelda used the motion sensing a little more but I think thats about it.
Sanjo said:
Let me give you a personal review, and I'll try to be unbiased as possible, but my excitement is still likely to show through.


I know I didn't go to specific into quite a bit, but if you have a question feel free to ask.

Thank you... Sooooooo much...

You say you'd try to be unbiased but understandably you drifted into personal opinion, even so I'd say you'd make a damn good reviewer, the few jokes and tidbits you put in that review made me chuckle. XD
Yes that long review was the sex. Just what I needed.

Only 18 days*! :D

*man I wish I was in America...
i agee all that nintendo promised came with the wii. i was dissapointted with my ps3 and when i got the wii it was like playing real time with call of duty 3 and redsteel. it is pretty easy to get into also. It was a memorable saying man this kicks a$$, and saying to the ps3 how many loads does this havelol well wii will rock.
The box is a lot more heavy then I thought, yes the controller is a lot smaller and so is the nunchuck. Screw all those negative reviews on wii sports boxing, it owns.

Exactly! When i picked up my box for the Wii, i was like "Woah, this is pretty heavy". Also the Wiimote buttons were a bit smaller than i remember (especially the -,+, and Home)
one thing i kinda dont like is the speaker thats on the wiimote. yea its cool, but some of the sounds sound horrible. Midna or whatever her name is in TP..her laugh makes it sound like im playin a preschool game or something. the sounds just kinda sound cheap? low quality?

thats just to me tho.
It's a very innovative idea. I haven't even played my copy of TP yet. But for Wii sports, there nothing like hearing the crack of the bat coming out of the speaker. Sure it's going to be crappy quality because of the speakers size, but it surely adds that bit of depth that was not there before.

paintba||er said:
There isn't much that is bad about them that I have found so far. I wish you could calibrate the Wiimote a little bit because when I point at it the cursor is a bit lower than where I am actually pointing but that doesn't bother me too much.

@paintba||er: From what I have heard, you can, and are meant to calibrate the Wii Remote? But I dunno. Is there anything about it in the manual?

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well, i got my wii this afternoon

i got the wii
Tony hawk's downhill jam
wiisports(came with it)

i hooked it all up to my tv and such and started with tony hawk..
i onyl played it for 7 minutes (i know that exact time thanks to my wii)
not because it was bad or anything, but simply because i was still in the "omg i have a wii, lemme try everything out before i really get into any of these games" stage

so i played it just a little, only like halfway through the initial tutorial. My first impressions are, that the controls are going to take some getting used to. It seems like a cool game, cool graphics, good gameplay features, but i just stress that for me i was expecting the controls to be easier to get used to, but its going to take a bit of time.

then i actually popped in tony hawk 4 (gamecube) with my trusty wavebird. Both worked beautifully. My one gripe about it though, (which i actually posted about right when i found it) is that one wii games, you can just hit the home button on the wii-mote and go back to the wii-channels. When playing a gamecube game, it wasnt possible. (if im wrong, please let me know) so i found it kind of annoying having to reset the system everytime i wanted to go to the wii-channels/change games. But i mean, not exactly a deal breaker, its a minor thing.

next i played alot of wii sports with my sister. This was suprisingly fun. I figured it wasnt going to be the greatest, since it was just a free bonus with the system. BOY WAS I WRONG!. it was sooo fun, even the boxing was really fun. All the things really get you noticing just how awesome the wii-mote is.

Lastly, i popped in Zelda. I waited till last because i wanted to check out all the other games, before getting sucked in by the amazingness that i knew was going to be Zelda. I started playing it, and ya know you get the cut scenes in the beginning. But soon after you begin actually playing. Now so far, i only had time to get maybe a half hour into it, and already im loving this game so much. The controls just couldnt be better, the wiimote and nunchuck just feel 'right'. that was the one thing i was worried about, was that the controls were going to be too involved for the traditional zelda gameplay. But after playing just 30 minutes of it, i find myself thinking "how did we ever play this game any other way" Zooming through my head are thoughts of battles with these controls and many other things. Its just soooooooo good.

so yea those were my thoughts of the games..

in general however.

my thoughts of the actual system are good, it looks really cool. To me, i wish the blue light was more like a "hey im gunna be on while the system's on" instead of like a "im just gunna flicker on for a millisecond to let you know you just pressed the power button" but hey whatever. I love how the disc is put in and ejected, it just seems soooo fluid. I also love how you dont hafta center the smaller gamecube disks on the disc slot, you can put it in the very top or very bottom and it still accepts it.

the wii mote is just amazing. I dont even know why, but it just feels right. Even if you looks at it, you dont understand why it just feels so good to hold, but it does. The nunchuck alike just ends up feeling like an extention of your hand. they both work wonderfully.

everything on this system, even down to the effect of scrolling through wii channels just feels and sounds and looks sooo coool.

but yea, so i love my wii, i just love it.
and i love zelda, soooo much
and i think ill eventually love THDJ once i get the hang of it..

so yea there ya go..
yosh64 said:

@paintba||er: From what I have heard, you can, and are meant to callibrate the Wii Remote? But I dunno. Is there anything about it in the manual?


Well unless I missed something then all you can do is adjust the sensitivity which doesn't help with the problem that I'm having. It doesn't really bother me that much though. The only time I could see this being a problem is if you had to point at something and you didn't have a cursor.
BlightedArt said:
Thank you... Sooooooo much...

You say you'd try to be unbiased but understandably you drifted into personal opinion, even so I'd say you'd make a damn good reviewer, the few jokes and tidbits you put in that review made me chuckle. XD

Thank you blight.

Excuse the spelling errors please, I guess in my haste to return to my wii I didn't read-check it as thoroughly as I thought. Sorry about that..

And sorry for the slow responses, but understandably I do have my wii asking for attention. ^^

@paintba||er: I talked with someone online, and they say that you can calibrate the Sensor Bar by going to Settings -> Sensor Bar, and you can set the Sensitivity. But, they say that it doesn't line up correctly if you are not playing at the right distance. If you are to close it won't line up, and if your to far back it will start to shake alot.

That guy probably didn't know what he was talking about because I tried moving farther back and it didn't change but thanks anyway. Also through a day of playing it I noticed another problem taht was mentioned earlier. The material the top of the controllers are made out of (similar to that of Ipods) scratches extremely easy. Just after a day of play mine already has scratches all over it which really pisses me off since they cost $60 and after a month or so of use you probably won't be able to see anything but scratches on it. I guess that isn't such a big problem but I like to keep my stuff looking nice and that seems impossible with these controllers.

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