This TRUTH will change your [stereotypical/ignorant] views on the Wii!


Turkish RPG Master
Aug 2, 2006
Somewhere in New Jersey
NOTE BEFORE YOU READ THIS THREAD: this thread basically applies to an audience who does NOT want the Wii, yet it will still b very interesting to read it, in which i encourage you greatly (the ppl who could disregard this) to do so...i am not targeting a certain audience, just writing this here for everyone who doenst want a Wii

BEFORE I WRITE MY SPEECH: What are your reasons for not wanting the nintendo Wii? state them here and ill try to counter it; to aid my answering of questions, ppl who wanna buy the Wii and r reading this anyways, please put up some excuses of y ppl wouldnt get it just so that i can counter im definately NOT a Wii fanatic, but most of the time, the reasons for not wanting and even wanting are often derived by misled information and ppl do not want the Wii for a wrong reason and they do not know the whole truth

Dont "never return" to this thread so hastily after hearing this, i have my reasons: i will not put up my speech just yet, since im going to sleep right now while ppl elsewhere in the world r awake and can respond to this question above...when i check back in the morning with responses, i can then write my speech then see more responses
i have my "speech" written down already lol, ill put it up tomorrow

EDIT: The speech has been written scroll down to see :]
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yea thats what i think too...however, i said that this isnt going to the audience on this site, persay...but to an audience in general, just wanna get it out to ppl, im not really expecting too much "revolt", do u get what i meant now?
ok, i want a nintendo wii, but here are some downsides that might make me not buy it (though i doubt they will :) )

1. Wii is primarily aimed at multiplayer gaming, but what about when i want single player?
2. Your arm will get tired after a while
3. Online gaming does not look to promising
4. IN GENERAL, Games may be too kiddy
5. Picture quality may suffer on large hd screens.

THats all i can think of right now, please remember im not bashing the wii.
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Ronan said:
ok, i want a nintendo wii, but here are some downsides that might make me not buy it (though i doubt they will :) )

1. Wii is primarily aimed at multiplayer gaming, but what about when i want single player?
2. Your arm will get tired after a while
3. Online gaming does not look to promising
4. IN GENERAL, Games may be too kiddy
5. Picture quality may suffer on large hd screens.

THats all i can think of right now, please remember im not bashing the wii.

ok, thats just what i need and i will counter it with basically the truth about it and why its stereotyped that way by you

1. Wii is primarily aimed at multiplayer gaming, but what about when i want single player?
Single player will be available with ALL games; u will still b able to play campaign mode or what not in the "4-player games" and can still verse ppl in your room; the online capability does not aim for every game, either...therefore, single player games will not be affected in any way because of the online capability

2. Your arm will get tired after a while
if you read the "101 FAQ on the Wii" on this site, it will tell you that this in NOT the case when you play...u obviously didnt read the extremely interesting and filled with info FAQ yet and i strongly suggest u do :D

3. Online gaming does not look to promising
What do you mean by that? it will not be as good as everyone thinks? afterall, you ARE the same person who was concerned about the single-player mode and therefore are not so happy about the online capability in the first place, since you are a "single player" type;

anyways, EVEN if the features of the online capability are poor, what the people want is to play multiplayer, multiplayer gaming is all about versing ppl all around the world, new opponents all the time, and having to find an opponent is a commonplace, unlike having to find someone in your household, 3 ppl that is for the most part

4. IN GENERAL, Games may be too kiddy
of course, i know what u mean by that r kiddy include what? mario-type games? u have to remember that the Wii isnt just an improved gamecube; its actually a brand new generation of Nintendo gaming...i will explain this later in my "speech"

EDIT: The "speech" is up now; scroll down to find it

5. Picture quality may suffer on large hd screens
Nintendo has already clarified that this is NOT the case with large HD screens; you can find it if you do a little research...dont u think Nintendo thought about this already? or did they just let it slip?
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OKAY! i almost changed my mind, as my man has most of it down already!

i will still write my "speech", however, this explains for the most part everything i wanted to say; make sure u read this thoroughly (yes, dont skip and read the whole thing, its not even that long)...i wanna thank you for making this and good job at presenting this!
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Finally, here is my speech

i hope you all read that link up above before u r reading my speech, as it offers a lot of information as well

Major Stereotypical View of the Wii: The Wii games will almost all be kiddie, mainly consisting of the same old repeats of mario-based games, just a different atmosphere. the Wii is just another improvement of the Gamecube, which means that people will buy another console and buy new games from it, which is really a "scam". the graphics will be nothing compared to the PS3 or the X-Box 360 and therefore will be bad.

Counter to these VERY misleading Views: The Wii is definately going to consist of Mario-based games, but these games are what makes the games fun, especially the four-player ones, which will now have online capability, making it a ton better...HOWEVER, despite this, the Wii will be more inviting to games rated "mature"; it will offer cool features with the Wii-mote on top of that, making it all the better. Many more RPG games will be released for the Wii as well. dont believe the fact that only kiddie games will play on the Wii; if people realize the truth, then the Wii will be in great competition with the PS3 and X-Box360...but the misleading information that the Wii will be another gamecube and will be no match to the all-mighty PS3 and X-Box360 is absolutely false; it will be deemed as one of the "cool" systyems (PS3 and X-box360 are deemed the "cool" sytems, u know what i mean, right?) DONT get the wrong idea that it will just be another Gamecube, just slightly will ACTUALLY BE a NEW generation of gaming for Nintendo;

the Wii is something different than any other console from will be focusing more on the "cool" views; a GREAT example is that the new Grand Theft Auto is coming on the Wii, something that will never make it to any other previous Nintendo systems, thus, Nintendo is doing something they never did before, therefore, making it purely different than its other consoles, and overall, more mature reviews. yes, the gamecube was mostly popular for the younger group (which is actually only party true), mainly because of its games, which this so-called "younger group" enjoyed.

Graphics: people argue that the graphics for the Wii will not be as good as the PS3 or X-Box360, let alone, the graphics r gonna suck...since when graphics better than the PS2 and X-box deemed bad? just because we have better graphics now doesnt mean that those graphics fact, the graphics r gonna be AWESOME, theyre not gonna be bad at all. in addition to this, it depends on the VIDEO GAME itself. some games tend to focus more on graphics than others. take Final Fantasy Tactics for example for the playstation, and SuperMario64 for the N64...which one was better? without a doubt, SuperMario64 (except for FFT's cut scenes, of course); FFT had poor graphics anyways, they looked like super nintendo! HOWEVER, this is what made the game a game...if the graphics were different, the game would be TOTALLY different, think about it...

now take Final Fantasy 9 and Super Smash Bros...which had better graphics? Final Fantasy 9 of course had better graphics, this game REALLY focused in on the graphics, and therefore was better in graphics than other N64 games, and vice versa for the N64 games in comparison to the Playstation games

I hope the "nonbelievers" learned something out of this; BTW, that stereotypical view on the Wii is a real view by critics, i didnt make it up, since people really do believe those misleading ideas

WHOA! listen to this edit: i just asked my brother not even a minute after i wrote the speech what people in his grade think about the Wii...he said that they said that its gonna be just like the gamecube; same-type, boring, kiddie games JUST like the Gamecube...i CLEARLY wrote in my speech the misleading ideas of the Wii to start off, and after i asked my brother, he told me right to my face that the Wii basically turns out that he, too is convinced that the Wii is gonna be another gamecube and follows ALL of the sterotypical and ignorant views...this is EXACTLY what i mean, all of these people need to be taught the TRUTH about the Wii, these ideas are believed by my own peers it happaned just like that lol
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RPGMasterTurk91 said:
i hope you all read that link up above before u r reading my speech, as it offers a lot of information as well

Major Stereotypical View of the Wii: The Wii games will almost all be kiddie, mainly consisting of the same old repeats of mario-based games, just a different atmosphere. the Wii is just another improvement of the Gamecube, which means that people will buy another console and buy new games from it, which is really a "scam". the graphics will be nothing compared to the PS3 or the X-Box 360 and therefore will be bad.

Counter to these VERY misleading Views: The Wii is definately going to consist of Mario-based games, but these games are what makes the games fun, especially the four-player ones, which will now have online capability, making it a ton better...HOWEVER, despite this, the Wii will be more inviting to games rated "mature"; it will offer cool features with the Wii-mote on top of that, making it all the better. Many more RPG games will be released for the Wii as well. dont believe the fact that only kiddie games will play on the Wii; if people realize the truth, then the Wii will be in great competition with the PS3 and X-Box360...but the misleading information that the Wii will be another gamecube and will be no match to the all-mighty PS3 and X-Box360 is absolutely false; it will be deemed as one of the "cool" systyems (PS3 and X-box360 are deemed the "cool" sytems, u know what i mean, right?) DONT get the wrong idea that it will just be another Gamecube, just slightly will ACTUALLY BE a NEW generation of gaming for Nintendo;

the Wii is something different than any other console from will be focusing more on the "cool" views; a GREAT example is that the new Grand Theft Auto is coming on the Wii, something that will never make it to any other previous Nintendo systems, thus, Nintendo is doing something they never did before, therefore, making it purely different than its other consoles, and overall, more mature reviews. yes, the gamecube was mostly popular for the younger group (which is actually only party true), mainly because of its games, which this so-called "younger group" enjoyed.

Graphics: people argue that the graphics for the Wii will not be as good as the PS3 or X-Box360, let alone, the graphics r gonna suck...since when graphics better than the PS2 and X-box deemed bad? just because we have better graphics now doesnt mean that those graphics fact, the graphics r gonna be AWESOME, theyre not gonna be bad at all. in addition to this, it depends on the VIDEO GAME itself. some games tend to focus more on graphics than others. take Final Fantasy Tactics for example for the playstation, and SuperMario64 for the N64...which one was better? without a doubt, SuperMario64 (except for FFT's cut scenes, of course); FFT had poor graphics anyways, they looked like super nintendo! HOWEVER, this is what made the game a game...if the graphics were different, the game would be TOTALLY different, think about it...

now take Final Fantasy 9 and Super Smash Bros...which had better graphics? Final Fantasy 9 of course had better graphics, this game REALLY focused in on the graphics, and therefore was better in graphics than other N64 games, and vice versa for the N64 games in comparison to the Playstation games

I hope the "nonbelievers" learned something out of this; BTW, that stereotypical view on the Wii is a real view by critics, i didnt make it up, since people really do believe those misleading ideas

very nice, it will def change my mind. i didnt know GTA was coming to the wii. i heard of something but did they actually mention GTA?? coz that would be awesome.
the wii rocks though:p have u seen galaxy it looks so new and fresh:D and wii's graphic is a lot better then what i need. i don't need to see whats written on zeldas shoes

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