The truth behind TV threads- A monkeys view

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Dec 4, 2006
Northern Ireland - Co. Down
Wii Online Code
The truth behind TV threads- Turned into attack Toad

My monkey and I have been discussing the matter of threads such as Wii on HD Samony Plasma 105" TV, and have come to the conclusion that a lot of these threads seem to turn into a battle of who has th biggest TV or the best picture, brand or highest price.

The monkey feels that we are of one community - Wii Chat - and must bond like brothers if we are to beat the evils that are spammers and general wrong-do-ers.

Let us not be petty for there are much beetter things in live.

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But Toad, you are a spammer yourself....

Look at this topic you have created... Kind of says it all really.

Edit: Look at some of your posts, both of these are where you have posted just for the hell of it. The content is not helpful, not topic related and does not progress the thread.:

Oh, and attached is a screen shot of a view of the forums.... notice how you have just replied to everything with silly little comments.

Plus another thing, your forum name is too long that it stretches the profile border - looks so stupid.



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Darn it, I think that you and the monkey are so right! No more fights on best brand, size, quality or cost but on who has the lowest grade telly. I'm in the states but have yet to get a HD..not because i can't buy it but that I'd prefer a house or two one day plus a HD motorcycle. What crappy TV do you have on the WII? (black and white don't count). Mine is a black 24/30" DAEWOOD. cost $150 in the mid 90s...theres this cool halo/blurry effect when there are bright red objects/text and Zelda looks acceptable on it. For some reason it keeps working like a champ but when it dies I think that I might buy another crappy TV to enjoy it's fantastic 3:4 ratio.(did i mention that i use its original speakers)
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1. A forum is a place to express views and opinions so theres fudge all wrong with this thread.

2. Whats wrong with posting? Thats what you're supposed to do.

3. All you showed was that I posted in quite a few topics but not what was posted. It may have been enlightful.

4.Post Whore!? Coming from somebody with over 1000 posts!

5. Stupid posts? I try and lower the serious level of some of the tossers on this forum by what is basicalky rambling but its always 'on-topic' and lightens the atmosphere.

6. The monkey stands for all that is wrong with this forum. The thread was moved for no good reason. The mention of a game makes ppl think it should be in gaming whereas the mod thought it should be in lounge. Correct me if i'm wrong but I believe it was about a monkey playing a wii for marketing and therefore WAS IN THE CORRECT FORUM!

7. When choosing a forum name its the admin who limits the number of characters used so I have every right to have a name of that length.
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What you said doesn't change the fact that you're a spammer. Seriously though, go look at your 500+ posts and then say to yourself, "Did I really need to post that?". Yes a forum is about posting, but it's not about posting every thought that comes into your head.

You must of heard of the expression, "Think before you speak". Well, "Think before you post" to.

I'm not going to 'fight' you, cause that would just show up your immaturity even more.
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I didn't mean fight in the sense you're thinking of.

And no i didn't have to post any of my posts and neither does anyone else on here but we do because we want to. Freedom of speech man! Think about it!

I can say what I want and you can't take that away from me!

Im expressing my views so respect it or FU*K OFF!
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