Thinking about getting a DS


Sep 6, 2006

I live in the UK, and I am thinking about getting a DS Lite.

IF I do, I will be trading in my PSP/FF Origins/FF Anthology/FFVI & FFXII.

There are no games out at the moment for PSP. However, when Crisis Core comes out in the UK (blah --- I'll be waiting for months!), I will buy a PSP slim, with said game.

I really want to play FFIII, so does anybody have opinions on this game?

Also, I have a dilemma. Do I buy the White or Black DS Lite? OR wait until October, when the Silver DS Lite is released?
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Yea, black was on the top of my list!

I'll probably get that, then.


Oh and, I don't know if I will bother with Zelda. Tbh, I'm not a HUGE Zelda fan . I'm not really a big Nintendo supporter either, but the DS has a lot more choice for games ^_^

(don't bash me please --- lol)

The only Zelda game I have played was Twighlight Princess when I used to have a Wii, but I didn't really enjoy it that much :3

all right, yeah get the DS, there are lots of good games coming aside from the already out games, there's: Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, more Final Fantasies, Jam Sessions, Contra 4, Metal Slug and many more!
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LOL. I think maybe I didn't like it, because I hadn't really played any of the other ones? Or maybe I just don't like it, haha.

(Don't send me away! I joined this forum WHEN I actually did have a Wii, lol. Plus this forum is so much better than PS3chat lol. All they do is argue)

Yea, I know there is a remake of FFIV coming out sometime in the future as well. And KH:358/2 Days. Although that probably won't hit the UK for like, 2 years xD Still, it's reason enough to buy a DS :)
i think the white looks very "slick" but the black is cool too, may show fingerprints like the PSP does though..and nobody wants that.

i too want the slim PSP now that its out, i miss my old one :/.

anyways i havent played FFIII so i have no opinion but i do think you should get a DS. their so much fun. especially jam sessions! i have no musical talent what so ever and im loving it so far.

i know what u mean about there not being any good psp games out too.. thats why i switched to DS.
i have the crimson/black DS Lite, the crimson shows fingerprints too, but no big deal they come off easily enough.
FFIII is pretty nice.

I've only played about 4h so far of it, because I got side tracked with Children of Mana (action-RPG). I played through the original FFIII as a rom a while back, when that was the only way to play some of the FF games that were never release in NA. But with the updated 3D graphics, it is a definite buy for a RPG fan.

I posted a list of DS games in another thread that are out or are coming out that look really good. I've added about 5 games this week (2-3 in the RPG category) so it's slightly out of date. Here's the RPG section:

Archaic Sealed Heat - RPG
Deep Labyrinth - RPG
Dragon Quest IV - RPG
Dragon Quest IX: Defenders of the Sky - RPG
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker - RPG (Pokemon like, but with Dragon Warrior mobs)
Etrian Odyssey - RPG
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - RPG
Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings - RPG
Heroes of Mana - RPG
Hoshigami Remix - RPG
Luminous Arc - RPG
Mega Man Star Force - RPG
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon - RPG
Sakura Wars - RPG (Sakura Taisen)
Zelda Phantom Hourglass - RPG

If I remember, I'll post my updated list when I get off work.

P.S. If you want the whole list, it's still on the first page of this forum, near the bottom.

P.P.S. I would go with the black - fingerprints are easier to wipe off than yellow buttons :lol:
Ok so I think better get the Crimson, but about FFIII ..
Def. get it!!! Best RPG I played so far on a handheld.
HUGE Map , many armor,weapons and shields. 30 h gameplay.
Difficulty - Normal ~ Easy.
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Thanks for the comments, guys :)

I made my mind up on Thursday. I went to game, and got a black DS lite (with Pokemon Pearl and Sonic, but I'm trading Sonic in for FFIII soon --- when I have money)

So far I love the DS. I'm not a huge Pokemon fan, but I love the game xD

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