Think We Can Put Roms Onto Virtual Console?

there will be alot of hacks for it, because it has an sd slot, which you will be able to make a program that can flash a new [modified] OS
Not that kind of hack. We mean online hackers, that want to violate your privacy and destroy your console.

Of course there will be mod-chips and program hacks for it. I look forward to exploring those possibilities.
Big_Mill said:
Christ White wolf I hope you never take drugs, next you'll be wrapping tin foil round your head telling us the aliens are reading your thoughts. ;) :D

lol yeah, I already guessed that drugs would really do a number on me more so then someone else, thus i have stayed far away from them. I dont even use caffeen and try to minimize the pain meds when i can. hackers might be a problem, I am just going to play it safe and turn off 24 connect one way or another.
You said schozphrenic paranoid. Definitely don't suggest mushrooms lol. I think you are just worrying about it all too much. I won't have this luxury of 24/7 being I won't have my connected to the internet period.
Ezekiel86 said: can they justify charging money for these games? Technically can't do it if they don't hold the appropriate copyrights.

If I can't play my ROM stash on the Wii out of the box I'll be the first to download the adequate hax when they come out in order to do so.

Hey guys, I just thought i'd offer a bit of knowledge with regards to the copyright issue. This is common practice when it comes to companies using copyrighted material.

The third party developers have most likely licensed these games to nintendo (either recently, or nintendo may still have the license under a previous contract when they first published the game). This means that the developers have agreed to let nintendo use their games in exchange for a percentage of the sales. Which means the developers will be recieving their share of the money nintendo is making from the virtual console sales (if the company has merged or gone bankrupt, then either the merged company or the copyright holder will recieve the money).

So i'm sure we can look forward to many third party titles appearing on the virtual console. Hope this has helped a few people realise that nintendo will be paying the original developers/current copyright holders and are probably going to great lengths to find them in some cases. I personally am against hacking the wii to play unauthorized roms and am quite happy to pay and get the official VC titles.

Phew, sorry to go on a bit but it really annoys me when people try to make it seem like ripping people off is the right thing to do.

All the best

they hacked the gba and ds OFCOURSE they can hack nintendo wii, hell, maing reason is the "external hardrive" support...that just makes it easier..i GUARANTEE we will see roms
The fact that the wii as so many ways for a computer to communicate with it will make it easy to change.

We have Ethernet, programmable memories cards, and standard usb.

With an external hard drive, the wii has unlimited potential.
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Even if wii gets hacked dont you think nintendo will find a patch for it and autoupdate our wii consoles so that it wont accept roms (providing if it does get hacked). Just like what happened to psp got hacked and they updated the software and who ever has updated wont be able to run homebrew programs. of course with updates they provide more exciting features.
Funny question.

To me its kinda like asking: Can i play illegal download mp3's on my iPod?

Oh wait, if you own the original games then its cool to have the ROM's, right?

The virtual console is simply a cash-in on the whole rom's/emulation saga.

Its like metallica versus napster.

Thing i don't get is, i mean, if your a mad nintendo fan, you probably already have a gameboy, ds, GC, Snes, and Nes emulator running on your home computer, and you would no doubt have shitloads of Roms. Also, you'd probably have a genesis, master system, and turbogrfx emulator if you are a serious gaming buff.

The vurtual console, to my mind, is for the novice.

The Virtual Console offers me nothing new at all.

I already have every single Nintendo title from the past i could possibly want to play ever. Period.