things you have always wanted 2 say

Basil Bush
Ha Ha ha ha boom boom
White-Wolf said:
this is what i have always wanted to say,

Meet Reality Rumsfeld!!!!!

TAKE THAT BUSH!!!! your not getting a pass THIS TIME!!!!!


sorry I don't mean to offend (check and balances is always a good thing), i am just so exited, maybe even more so then then for the wii. Looks like dems might scrape by with majority in the senate as well, barring recounts.

Well you assho... I mean fine politicians won the House... the Senate is still up for grabs though. But you know what, I think this change might be good... Rumsfeld stepped down and Mr. Bush appointed Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense. I didn't mind Rumsfeld at all, but these changes might finally light a fire up the asses of Republicans to fight for what is right and for what you believe in. But come on, Nancy Palosi.. the Speaker of the House? That ***** can't even put on her makeup straight let alone lead the House of Representatives. Go get some more botox... Anyway, let's just hope the fine administration and the socialist House can come to terms or this country is going to the shiter.
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ok, ill share some of my other things ive always wanted 2 say:

"the Wii beat the ps3? **** U (ps3 loving friend)" (note:nothing against the ps3, but me and my friend r still having a debate about it, and i like 2 piss him off :lol: )

"so u mean we have 2 break in, ............."
"we have 2 break out of here...... by any means neccessary"
"dinner-**** !"(this is from PANICS (look it up))
"i finally caught u u son of a *****"
"the hooker gave the money back......."
"thanks chuck norris, u saved my ass back there."
"thanks mr.T, u really saved my ass back there."
"u mean we can bring Mario in2 our world?"
"thanks Mario, u really saved my ass back there."

ok, so those r the things ive always wanted 2 say :lol: