They should introduce a dvd channel

Poor acid into my eye please!

Wii in it's current state can not support DVD playback - this has been made clear by Nintendo. A DVD player version of the Wii willl be launched, but current plans are for Japan only.

If you don't own a DVD player, you're either very old or odd.
why would you even want to pay more for a wii with a dvd player when you can buy a wii now and just by a cheap dvd player at wal-mart for like $20 and yeah i agree with HAZ if you dont already have a dvd player then you have some issues
Belmont said:
why would you even want to pay more for a wii with a dvd player when you can buy a wii now and just by a cheap dvd player at wal-mart for like $20 and yeah i agree with HAZ if you dont already have a dvd player then you have some issues
whats a DVD player? haha just kidding.:D
Henry said:
I reckon Nintendo should introduce a dvd/cd channel to let you be able to watch your dvd's and cd's from the wii, as I also have a dvd player that I hardly use, sometimes just to watch a dvd or something but if they introduce a dvd/cd channel I'll be able to sell it, get some money and still be able to play my movies off the wii, I reckon that is convenient.

Gee mister "I rekon" you ain't too bright considerin your idea aint new by a spittin longshot.

Oh jeez. NOOB. go add your second hand hick thought to one of a million other threads Already Made on this same topic. I can't believe you guys even kept adding to this. This place needs more active mods, so we can cut down on half this bull in this forum from noobs reposting the same crap over and over. Lock this.
let me see not to be rude or anything but you joined in december and its now the end of january and you only have 147 posts on this site i know i have less but dude you are still a "NOOB" and you dont have to be rude to someone to teach them something if you think this guy should have looked for another thread then you should have just told him, and not insulted him.
I'm not insulting anyone. New guys get the brunt n now so do you. You dont "re-post" plain and simple. I only gave him a tough time as much as I did to any of you others that added to this thousandth re-post of the same idea.

This thread should have ended with PtonJalken. Its already been said that another thread... nintendo will release another wii in japan with included dvd capability later in time.

If you all knew how to use the search utility then I wouldnt have to seem like an ass to tell you something that you should have already known. Constructive criticism, take it and learn from it, dont emberrass yourself more by whining that its mean of me to point out how ridiculous this thread is.

I love ay like wii brothers but sometimes a brothers gotta put a brother straight. Nuff said.
Haz said:
Poor acid into my eye please!

Wii in it's current state can not support DVD playback - this has been made clear by Nintendo. A DVD player version of the Wii willl be launched, but current plans are for Japan only.

If you don't own a DVD player, you're either very old or odd.

Buddy you need to read around more, if a cheap modchip can make the current wii play dvds then why cant nintendo make it simple.
the point is though the wii does not need dvds cause you should always be playing you games on it haha
oh man i hope so too maybe if we are lucky they will give us a record player attachment kinda like the sega did with the sega cd back in the day
meh just get a goddamn DVD player - they're alot better than DVD players in game consoles.

I've a DVD player in my room, why should I get another one (in my Wii)?
Besides all people care about nowdays are whether its got a DVD player and online capability... In that case just get an XBOX or a PC.

Oh and videogames are becoming more like computers?!? That's why I brought the Wii - to deviate away from playing what sounds like 'another computer game'.
Every device has a DVD player these days, so why does the Wii need one? Sure it would be convenient, but is it really worth the risk of the extra trouble? (remember when the PS2 launched...massive problems with the DVD drive)
and extra money too 250 is a great low price if it had a dvd player it would 300 and why do i want to spend an extra 50 on a dvd player

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