The Wii Has Been Smashed :(

It's even harsh with the PS3. I didn't think, but my brother said about how few units there were, and how someone doesn't get one because of those wankers.
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the video is here:


they had better spirit than the ps3 smash, but maybe they knew it was coming :p
I'll kill em I'll kill em hold me back hold me back *stands waiting for someone to hold back looks around*........*walks away*
you gotta laugh, i like the sound effects.
and that guy at the end smart enough to ask to buy the controller.
The wii didn't hold up to well either lol
I REALLY hate these idiots that do this stuff. I can find 100 things that the world needs the money more for... just off the top of my head. And I would pay some serious cash just to see one of these kids get the **** kicked out of them. In any case, it's funny how the Nintendo fans were cheering them on and laughing! Hahahhaha
Shade said:
That's because we Nintendo fans are much more mature than any ps3 fan. We know that those guys are going to burn!!

Mature? Your laughing at people literally burn money.... and you laugh and call it mature. I think you should go to and look up the definition of Mature.
A little plastic, a little copper, some silicone. Big deal. If they wanted to do something "on the edge" they should have used the money to but the console, auction it off to the people that, at the end of the line didn't get one, and then use that money to feed a homeless family for Thanksgiving.

Hell, anyone can break something.
ABC said:
I REALLY hate these idiots that do this stuff. I can find 100 things that the world needs the money more for... just off the top of my head. And I would pay some serious cash just to see one of these kids get the **** kicked out of them. In any case, it's funny how the Nintendo fans were cheering them on and laughing! Hahahhaha

Lol you say that the world could do with the money for more productive things (e.g. feeding families on christmas or in 3rd world countries etc)
Then you say that you would pay serious cash to see one of them beaten up. I bet that beating-up money could do some good for the needy too.
E7ernal said:
Lol you say that the world could do with the money for more productive things (e.g. feeding families on christmas or in 3rd world countries etc)
Then you say that you would pay serious cash to see one of them beaten up. I bet that beating-up money could do some good for the needy too.


those guys just relly want to be hated:scared:

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