The War on Terror


Special Olympics Medalist
Nov 21, 2006
Wii Online Code
The legacy of the terrible events of six years ago has left America and it's allies with a series of seemingly un-winnable military conflicts, as well as promoting a culture of fear and the loss of basic civil liberties.
I'm just curious to see what everyone's opinions are concerning the state of the world we live in since 9/11.
I thought this would be a better place for discussion than the rememberence thread dedicated to the memory of the people who died.
Well, I'l start a discussion off here with a little bump.

It was not long ago that there was several announcements that Iraq could not create of get the materials for nuclear bombs. Then Bush got involved. A country that had never done anything against the civilians of the USA or been a threat to the world. America started bombing. Hundreds of helpless Iraqi civilians died for no apparent reason. Bush continued attacking Iraq and kept on saying 'Bombs are there' 'They are there somewhere' 'He has weapons of mass destruction'. After all these years what have they found there? No weapons of mass destruction. Yes crimes against humanity may of happened there but also America took control of some of the oil there, people who helped fund Bush got involved with the Iraq oil industry.

Now I am not against America or saying what happened in Iraq before America attacked was right. I just thought that what I said in the previous paragraph would be an interesting talking point.

Also I would like to mention that it is not the people who we look up to who are fighting, it is those who are normally unprivileged, living in bad areas and sometimes very poor. The people that some people may look down on are often the ones who are fighting to save our lives. Also is it only one member of the senate who has a child fighting in foreign lands?

Some of the things I have said express my views and some are not my views, please do not flame.

Also McAuslan, rep for the thread, it should be a good and interesting thing to debate and discuss.
America is full of pussies. Remember Vietnam? I'll give no numbers here but I will put it this way. Soldiers that signed up and dedicated themselves to the possibility of a war are in Iraq and very few have died. Then there was Vietnam where thousands upon thousands died who didn't even want to be there. Some people in America are so selfish. Here's a metaphor, a man is walking down the street. It's freezing but he's warm, he has a coat, gloves, scarf and the rest. He even has clothing to spare. He comes accross a man freezing with nothing more than a ratted shirt and jeans. Some people believe it to be ok to leave him and walk away, George Bush is a moral man (who may have his own agenda) but is still willing to not only give the man the extra clothing but get him somewhere warm to stay. So let others *****, I'm glad America is spending all this money on something meaningful rather than more statues of previous presidents and other bullcrap.
Mingus said:
America is full of pussies. Remember Vietnam? I'll give no numbers here but I will put it this way. Soldiers that signed up and dedicated themselves to the possibility of a war are in Iraq and very few have died. Then there was Vietnam where thousands upon thousands died who didn't even want to be there. Some people in America are so selfish. Here's a metaphor, a man is walking down the street. It's freezing but he's warm, he has a coat, gloves, scarf and the rest. He even has clothing to spare. He comes accross a man freezing with nothing more than a ratted shirt and jeans. Some people believe it to be ok to leave him and walk away, George Bush is a moral man (who may have his own agenda) but is still willing to not only give the man the extra clothing but get him somewhere warm to stay. So let others *****, I'm glad America is spending all this money on something meaningful rather than more statues of previous presidents and other bullcrap.

I thought numbers say more people have died in the war on terror then in Vietnam?
Depends on what numbers you calculate. If you include the number of Iraq civilians, american civilians (9/11), then yes. But that only demonstrates the reason for being there. Not a reason to leave. How many soldiers have died now? 3,000? maybe more not to sure, but I know I don't have to research much to know that the deaths are hardly compareable to the amount of soldiers that gave their lives at vietnam.

P.S. btw, where did you see that calculation because it sounds like BS from some crazed liberals trying to get their way.
Cpt.McCloud said:
Well, I'l start a discussion off here with a little bump.

It was not long ago that there was several announcements that Iraq could not create of get the materials for nuclear bombs. Then Bush got involved. A country that had never done anything against the civilians of the USA or been a threat to the world. America started bombing. Hundreds of helpless Iraqi civilians died for no apparent reason. Bush continued attacking Iraq and kept on saying 'Bombs are there' 'They are there somewhere' 'He has weapons of mass destruction'. After all these years what have they found there? No weapons of mass destruction. Yes crimes against humanity may of happened there but also America took control of some of the oil there, people who helped fund Bush got involved with the Iraq oil industry.

Now I am not against America or saying what happened in Iraq before America attacked was right. I just thought that what I said in the previous paragraph would be an interesting talking point.

Also I would like to mention that it is not the people who we look up to who are fighting, it is those who are normally unprivileged, living in bad areas and sometimes very poor. The people that some people may look down on are often the ones who are fighting to save our lives. Also is it only one member of the senate who has a child fighting in foreign lands?

Some of the things I have said express my views and some are not my views, please do not flame.

Also McAuslan, rep for the thread, it should be a good and interesting thing to debate and discuss.

You hit it right on the nose...When Bush sent our troops in it wasnt cuz they had bombs and wat not, it was cuz of oil, flat out. The Bush family invests thousands of dollars in oil and here in the US we are really running low on oil. This whole thing was to keep the rich rich.
Mingus said:
Depends on what numbers you calculate. If you include the number of Iraq civilians, american civilians (9/11), then yes. But that only demonstrates the reason for being there. Not a reason to leave. How many soldiers have died now? 3,000? maybe more not to sure, but I know I don't have to research much to know that the deaths are hardly compareable to the amount of soldiers that gave their lives at vietnam.

P.S. btw, where did you see that calculation because it sounds like BS from some crazed liberals trying to get their way.

I do not have a specific link, I just vaguely remember reading it somewhere.
Mingus Im gonna have to agree with you that Nam is at no comparison with this war. Nam was just nasty people going without there will. They come to this country for freedom and they first thing the men see when they get off a boat is a man waiting for them to sign them up. thats BS. And the civilian casualties are at no comparison at all. Our troops where at wrong in that area just shooting and bombing anything at free will. With this war it honestly is a walk in the park there. I have 4 friends there right now and they say they do NOTHING but play x-box. Once in awhile they cross a mine field but it is nothing there.
And is that really a problem? Bush hears from his dad "Son, were loosing money big time, go over there and fix things." Bush then takes his authority and sends the troops. The goal, save Iraq. Save Iraq from the terror they experiance every day. We got a little dose on 9/11 of what they see everyday. No matter how you say Bush is still saving thousands of lives of innocent lives in Iraq. I respect Bush for being bold enough to ruin his reputation over this whole thing. No one else would have done it.
Mingus said:
And is that really a problem? Bush hears from his dad "Son, were loosing money big time, go over there and fix things." Bush then takes his authority and sends the troops. The goal, save Iraq. Save Iraq from the terror they experiance every day. We got a little dose on 9/11 of what they see everyday. No matter how you say Bush is still saving thousands of lives of innocent lives in Iraq. I respect Bush for being bold enough to ruin his reputation over this whole thing. No one else would have done it.

And no one else should have done it including Bush, why put ur own at danger to save a country that is not willing to be saved right now? Ok u have the few there that are willing to turn it around but it is way to over populated with terror.
@mingus-You are what I would call a "republican fanboy":lol:

Since this is such a touchy subject for some, all I can say is that since Mr. Bush has yet to find a solution to this "war" hes just trying to be noticed.
How many bills has he vetod? Last time I saw, it was 1... When all other presidents have hundreds under their belt. I'm saying his focus is on this so-called war so much (and it still hasnt ended) while we had all this trouble with natural disasters and such, where should all of that money actually be going?:idea:

I'll tell you one thing, I'm voting Democrat in '08. Obama or Clinton
I agree with you Tails im goin for Clinton..i just dont know if i can trust someone with the name
Bliss said:
You hit it right on the nose...When Bush sent our troops in it wasnt cuz they had bombs and wat not, it was cuz of oil, flat out. The Bush family invests thousands of dollars in oil

The Bush family was already rich long before the Iraq war. It's not like suddenly he can afford the prime rib instead of a Big Mac now.

and here in the US we are really running low on oil. This whole thing was to keep the rich rich.

We're not running low on oil here. And the rich are not in danger of losing their wealth if suddenly we did run out.

We've been settings records for high gas prices ever since the war started. Obviously we're not being flooded with tons of extra oil.
War is unnecessary, simple.

People from Canada go over there and help, and don't even get killed in battle, but are shot by their own side. Pathetic, one of the last Canadians to die lives real close to me, in the town 5 min over. Ribbons are up, there was a ceremony etc., and he was not killed in battle.

Why the war is continuing is beyond me, slowly counting down Bush's last days.