The Simpsons Game Coming To Wii?

*~Blaze~* said:
or like the family guy game that was cool
with tunonable porn features:eek:ut:.probababably not good for little kids....

i know i cnat spall
The Simpson's franchise hasn't translated well to gaming IMO. I agree that hit and run was probably the best. I'll admit though, I'm glad to see they keep putting them out. Maybe one of them will hit the mark : )
choz said:
The Simpson's franchise hasn't translated well to gaming IMO. I agree that hit and run was probably the best. I'll admit though, I'm glad to see they keep putting them out. Maybe one of them will hit the mark : )
ya i want them to make hit and run 2 for the wii it would be sick!
Lol I don't think thats exactly what the guy above you was talking about but oh well. The problem is that this game is multiplatformer so its going to be very genric at best. And the graphics aren't going to be anything astounding I don't think. However because of the Wii Remote it has the potential to be more fun on the Wii.
Bart's Nightmare on the SNES was a pretty good Simpsons game, in fact something similar would work very well on Wii as it was more a collection of mini games (a bit like Rayman).

I expect it'll be a rushed movie cash in though.
I've loved most of the Simpsons games.
Such as Hit and Run, Road Rage, and the arcade game.
Simpsons Skateboarding wasn't too great but hey they gave it a shot.
I wonder how they are going to utilize the WiiMote with this new game.
Hit and Run was fun stuff, hopefully its the team that made that one making the new one.