The Search for the 3rd Party Characters! Who will they be?

Sonic is already in..

And Ratchet won't be in. Nintendo was never working with Insomniac. Insomniac just accused Nintendo of using their spherical worlds and then Miyamoto came out and said he had never heard of Ratchet and Clank. Ratchet will never be in.
Insomniac: "Nintendo stole our spherical worlds from a game we just released a month before Mario Galaxy!"

Nintendo: "Watchet and What? Who are you again?"

Logic: "Oh, wait, the spherical worlds from Mario Galaxy were part of the demo film from E3 '06, when they announced the Wii. Back before Insomniac had even started working on Ratchet and Clank 3."

Me: "Sony Liestation: 0 :: Nintendo: +1. OWND"
^Yes, Sakurai defended that accusation by saying that Nintendo had been thinking about Mario Galaxy during the N64 days, planning out how gravity and the spherical landmasses could work.
So when Sakurai breaks from Hal and goes back to Sora LTD., does that mean he'll become third-party? Will he stay second party?

Will he be allowed to keep the rights to Kirby?

Wow, I wonder what this geniuses next project is...
Smileface said:
I'd MUCH rather have Megaman than Ratchet.
Megaman is just cooler!!!
Don't you agree?
P.S. Who else is shocked that the Dojo is down until Jan. 7? Dang . . .
Same here...shame that Mega Man most likely wont be in it...the creator of Mega Man had said he would be for it but Nintendo hasnt asked him and since the game is practically done then its probably not going to happen...and yeah im bummed too...i think they dont have as many huge suprises to show on the site as they do the amount of days left til they are lengthing the time til they start showing can tell they were running a bit dry when they showed the options -_-...i mean im hyped about brawl..but not so hyped the options freak me out.
Smileface said:
You do have a good point but . . .
Ratchet just doesn't seem like a guy in Brawl
I mean, he is a popular character, but not really wanted as a character in SSBB.
Doesn't have the Nintendo feel
If that makes sense at all.
But maybe!!

I would actually like Ratchet in Brawl more than megaman because the only other games I liked as much as smash bros. was the ratchet games.

And if you think about, Snake does not have one % of Nintendo feel.
Agreed JLU...but then again i think the main reason they snagged Snake was to take a huge fanbase and add it with Super Smash's already huge fanbase. I dont think Ratchet is as huge as Snake in the gaming world to add him.
I think Ratchet stands a chance because Imsoniac helped Nintendo with the spherical worlds of galaxy
I know Sora won't make it to brawl
and megaman will make it
but if he doesn't who will?
Smileface said:
You do have a good point but . . .
Ratchet just doesn't seem like a guy in Brawl
I mean, he is a popular character, but not really wanted as a character in SSBB.
Doesn't have the Nintendo feel
If that makes sense at all.
But maybe!!
i know he's not very nintendo but snake is on brawl
also galaxy is very popular at the moment and nintendo may consider their help and surprise everyone.
Brawl needs new characters aswell as old school
I say put Bomberman in Brawl. Maybe, although I can't think of a moveset but he's original and has always been on Nintendo consoles

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