the ring of death


Slowly drifting away
Dec 10, 2006
My PSN is zein9881
Wii Online Code
i was searching 360 and i saw that their are many people that have gotton ring of death so would that mean if i buy one myine has a high chance of "dieing"
No it doesn't
It's just bad luck I guess. Anyways if it does you can send it back to Microsoft
no, it will be fine as long as you keep it in a well ventalated area.

ive had no problem with mine
It will die. Mark my words. Mine has plenty of space and I don't even have it on for long periodsof time but it broke. I have a ew one now, so hopefully it'll last longer.
well your just unlucky! i havnt had one problem with mine.

Jay61: how long do you keep yours on for roughly?
how often do you play it
what climate do you live in ?
I had it under a year. I play it about 3-4 days for about 4-5 hours max. I use it for DVDs alot mind.

As for climate...I live in Wales. Enough said on that.
haha so jay, are you saying that you played it 4-5 hours a day or in those 3-4days?
Ah sorry I didnt make much sense there huh...

I play it about 3-4 times a week for around 4-5 hours (thats without DVD time).
ahhh, now your making sense jay. Ye i play mine evryday for about 1 hour maybe 1 and a half. When it starts to gt hot i usually stop to let it cool down, cause i'm safe like that!
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how much credit would i get if i traded in game cube, 4 games,memory card,2 cont,and 2 ps2 games,and 1 ds game,3 gba games
zeon9881 said:
how much credit would i get if i traded in game cube, 4 games,memory card,2 cont,and 2 ps2 games,and 1 ds game,3 gba games

like $10. :wink:

i find it's ALWAYS a slap in the face trading in games. i avoid it at all costs, as the return on my investment is extremely low. selling them on ebay is more time consuming but will almost always reap a bigger reward.

when i got my 360, i brought my gamecube with me, but they only offered me $20 for it. i decided it would be better off in another room of my apartment then as trade-in value.

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