The Pokemon League Thread

Sure :)

I hope my bad luck does take a break :) I wait on wifi

Tijuana1 read the previous page hehe
ol i jsut vsed a shedninja that thing with 1 health and only dark moves effect it liek bite well my thing had like 1 hp left then it used x sisscors and killed it then my sandstorm from tyranitar kill it it was funny it has 1 hp lol
Chicagoan said:
Good game!!! Lol... even with all my bad luck I beat you :p. I was pwn you at the beginning but my stupid luck pushed it to hard!!!!

I made 4 Rock Slides (no one of his pokemon flinched!!!!! No one!!)
I made 2 stone edges (no one was critical)

He made me two criticals and with discharge he paralyzed my guy) lol!!!!!
In 6th grade they called me Mr. Lucky :lol:
tijuana1 said:
In 6th grade they called me Mr. Lucky :lol:

Hahaha... I do not want to take your merit... but I'm the unluckiest trainer hahaha... it is my bad luck on battling. Ask Jayjay hahaha.

I have bad luck on 95% of my games :) And most of the times, I still win hehe... around 10 of my 16 looses I lost fairly as the other strainer was to strong and my bl did not have time to annoy me hehe (and the other trainer most of the time won with his last poke or his last two pokes, both critical :) so I must be satisfied)

Ayo.... you are battling!!! I hope you finish soon.
i dont do doubles unless my salamance and tyranitar are in my party(and most of the tiem their not) cuz all my pokemon knoew earthquake they would murder each other lol
tijuana1 said:
BTW Chicagoan. Great battle. I haven't had a double battle in like.... years

Lol thanks... you gave a very nice time too :) You did it great.

Just you had one little fail. Your last move, but I think that you do it hopping a critical. Well... if you want me more clear, I tell you by pms... as there are copycats everywhere (I do not point at anybody, so say nothing) and also people may guess your pokemon and it would be bad for your gym :)

danny7147551 said:
yea fer who is going to take the last elite four spot

Well... I think that the best who can take it... it's you...
hmm i think i knwo who you talkin bout : ) anyway my friend had a pokemon with stone edge and scope lens and got a critcal hit liek every time lol
Ayo, great game!!!!!!

You made me send my two last guys :) You are getting closer :) (lol, never thought I was going to take Jyxn by one hit!!!!!!!!! I use my guy to annoy the rival a bit, but not as a sweeper hehe)