The Pokemon League Thread

i hope peopleont stop playign diamond and pearl for battle revoluton i have a wii but yea pokemon pearl owns im prolly oing to be playing them both at once lol
ha ha cool i get A's and B's so i get lots of things i have almsot every next generation sstem excpet PS3 i may luv games but thats just to much

and in bastetballf or every 2 potions i score i get 1 dollar and one game i scored 17 points and wow was that a pay day
im hoping to get a Wii soon, once i start working so ill save up then buy battle revolutions and mario strikers and the zelda also coz that looks awsome
i can agree with you on battle revolution and mario but zelda wow i got that and its fun for liek the first 2 weeks then it gets some boring...and you start thinkin why u bought it lol get dragon ball z tenkishi to that owns!
deadlydasher said:
sry dued i waz smart enough to uy a wirless mosue and wirless means it doesnt connect to anything so i cant uplug it and i live in japan on a military base and theirs no walmart

but hey hwo bout tu go buy one and put it up on ebay for me? Ok?

Yeah... you aren't smart enough... My mouse is wireless too... for 20 bucks you can purchase one... I meant you must throw your computer.

WELL...back to topic