The Pokemon League Thread

what the hell is aim, and did u disconnect on purpose?

if so, did u find the gible you were looking for?
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teddy is it okay if i let this one person use a ledgend against me??

cuz i did but i beat him with out losing not one hp he had a all water team and luckily i had my jolteon first and i took his whole team out

his ledgend was kyogre
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haha, i have 2 gibles with 31 atk, 31 speed. i gave one to fer. the one i kept had these IVs:
hp 10
atk 31
def 31
sp atk 28
sp def 30
speed 31

those r legendary IVs right there

wow, and how long did that take? well ive been lucky so far with my alakazam and sloking on the evs i trainied and th eivs i got without even knowing about them