the official "WHAT GAMES DO YOU HAVE" thread

Mario Strikers Charged= 8.6, great game!
WarioWare: Smooth Moves= 7... would rate it higher if it wasn't so darn short.
Rampage: Total Destruction= 3. Awful.

Next games I'll get are Resident evil 4 and Smash Bros: Melee for gamecube.
Madden 07' and Wii Sports - that's about it. I've yet to see anything else worth buying thats out right now. If Call of Duty had multiplayer or at least split screen I would have bought it but since it's only a single player game it's not worth the $50 bucks.
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  • #248
really.. do you have red steel? do you think it was better than that, or farcry, or anyother fps?.
i just got resident evil. i havent been bothered playing it latelym but ime pretty far, and its a SICK game. i reccomend it for any1 who hasnt payed it on other consoles yet. 9.3 out of 10
I wouldn't even bother with Farcry or Red Steel. Both got below average reviews. Call of Duty 3 just kicks ass.

And I'm a RE veteran so I own all RE titles, even the Gun Survibors...

The only thing I didn't do was bother playing the Wii Edition of RE:4. I already know all the stories branches and who works for who and why and's a wonderful series, RE is.

I recommend the books as well by S.D. Perry.

Can't wait for RE:UC and SSBB.
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  • #250
yeh. i prob wouldnt et it either if ive already played it before and know the story line and all.
yehh. re:UC is going to own but ime aoo cut that re:5 isnt on the wii :(. but nothing will beat smashbros: brawl, cant wait :D
Dude......speak proper english or learn how to spell? I can barely make out what you're saying half the time, man. @_@

Anyway, I've been considering buying a PS3 or 360 just so I can freaking play RE:5.