the OFFICIAL US wiichat MSC tourney

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  • #286
tank said:
Even though I was forced to forfeit. I think this replacement stuff is getting a bi out of hand.

now what if someone gets to the championship match and has to drop out, then the replacement wins. They really wouldn't deserve the title. Even if someone who got added in in the second or third round. It's just not fair that they get to jump in to the tourney.

I think the best finish of one of the original members should get the title.

And sorry about dropping out, I know it causes an inconvenience and everything, but i figured with all the time we had it would be over by time I started my band stuff. Maybe the next one can be a bit more organized.
As in: If you don't play your match by "X"'s a DQ for the person deemed at fault.

Yeah I get where your coming from. But with the play by "x and x" date, there are going to be people bitching about oh my router wasn't working and other stuff. My router was broken for almost 2 weeks and I had to wait to have one out to me. So I should really be dq'd right now.

The replacements did get out of hand. I understand about a replacement automatically going to the finals. Maybe with the one night only tournament, there won't be any replacements. If your opponent flakes or forfeits you move to the next round. I'll keep that in mind, because they don't have replacements in ncaa, nfl, nba, or mlb playoffs. It ludacris!

I understand the band thing, been there done that. Have fun!
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  • #290
v6jbird said:

2-1 Me
3-2 Me

Good Game.

Great, I'll update the bracket when I get off of work tonight.
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  • #297
albino11 said:
hi added doosta and v6jbird
my fc 545568988583

I'm going to let this slide and add you, but next time reply in the 'find a match' thread. Faster response. I'll add you later tonight.

bracket updated
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doosta you're the only one that hasn't done their first match yet why? if u need a replacement for your opponent let me know, I'm free.
v6jbird said:
Okay I added you wario, and I added you to MSN
who won??

EDIT!! come on doosta, jus replace your opponent with jorgelink. lets get this show on the road :)

finals is so near.......
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