the OFFICIAL US wiichat MSC tourney

So uh, tournament or not I'd like to play someone. (although I'd really like to play in the tournament =P and I'm not hard to get a hold of) Hit me up here or with a PM if you wanna play. Get some practice in for your next opponent or whatever.
Well, good news! I don't got to play friday due do a couple teams canceling out. I know only play on Sunday. Therefore I should be able to play my game. Now if only Jorge would come online to play me.
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okay, had to make some changes to the bracket with people being MIA. willc2105 play wario2oooo. ilikecookies play wiitime. i'm dropping jorge since he is inactive. i'll make a new bracket later on tonight.
doosta said:
okay, had to make some changes to the bracket with people being MIA. willc2105 play wario2oooo. ilikecookies play wiitime. i'm dropping jorge since he is inactive. i'll make a new bracket later on tonight.

What???? I'm still here, I'm still on for my match. I was planning to have it on saturday.
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  • #189
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
is it too late to enter?? i entered another tournament, but its going downhill.

Yes you can join! But try to get an ACTIVE person to join and you can play them, because we need 2 more people(you and your "friend") to make it "even" again. So just hit me up in here with the person you found. And I'll update the bracket again.
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Okay jorge play ilikecookies. Zelda I'll figure out somebody for you to play.

In the mean time, sorry for the double post.
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This is so confusing!! Could you update the bracket so I know what the hell is going on?
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  • #194
jorge vs cookies: cookies you have to win one more game and you advance, iirc, you are up 2games to 0.

wario2ooo vs willc: you to arrange a date for the two of you to play. let me know the winner.

wiitime vs. zelda: the two of you arrange a date and play. and again refer back here to let us know who won.

when i play callme.nasty, i going to record it so you guys can see us play.

starting now, for all games, it is a best of 3 series(3 games), with 3 minute rounds each. Must win 2 games to advance. Was suggested that with 5 minute best of 5 games, there was a likelihood of being disconnected. so to rectify the situation. i have changed the rules.
bracket updated​

who wants to play a quick game, let me know and add me. fc is in the sig, either pm or reply in here if you down
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OMFG!!! every game I played with Jorge it would lag so bad on megastrikes and I would let one in every ****ing time! Then he would try and jump my goalie with toad, and was a fuc king homo with hammer bros. arrrg. I would have won if the game was 3 minutes! I didn't know you changed it.
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