The official Scottish Thread

Independence would suck for scotland (initially). It would destabalize the housing market and the economy. As wll as scaring off big business and preventing new buisiness start ups. All UK businesses (that currently have a HQ in scotland) would shift their headquaters south.
I think too many Scots have watched braveheart a few too many times (Alex Salmond). The oil reserves would have made us a rich country 20 years ago are nearly depleted. Its a sad fact that all of the revenue generated by North-Sea oil mainly went towards paying for the massive unemployment in the UK during the Thatcher years.

I'd love Scotland to be a successful independent country - but I'm not willing to undergo the 10 to 20 years of personal financial strain and various other problems in order to achieve this. Its hard enough for my generation with house prices being insanely expensive - and consumer debt being out of control...

lol what a rant I just had there... Sorry folks... It's true though. :yesnod:
My girlfriend used to know the drummer from belle and sebastion... He owns a drum store in perth I beleive. (He's a d*ck). Neither like nor dislike their music though..

Anyone else find most scottish-grown pop music bland?

Travis - depressing whiney snooze.
Franz Ferdinand - everything is samey uninspiring with a boring drone guitar sound.
The View - Just annoy me? Could explain further - but can't be bothered.
Del Amitri - Just suck. Cheesy lame songs...

EXCEPT THE PROCLAIMERS ARE AWESOME! (wouldn't buy their album though. - Just learn the songs you need to chant in the pub)
Travis - Awesome
Franz Ferdinand - Good
The View - Great
Del Amitri - Awesome

I hate the music England produces, nothing good except for Placebo and Muse.

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