Looking for: Modest nature femalesquirtle and cyndaquil or any of there evolved forms (to breed) Adament nature female machop or any of it's evolved forms (to breed)
Any nature dittos except naughty, careful, and bold.
I have 10 different nature squirtles and all gen. starters, evee eggs and other pokemon. PM me
Not the right thread for that...
but, for Mewtwo, a combination of any of these moves...
Aura Sphere, Psychic, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Recover, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Charge Beam.
Mine knows
Recover, Charge Beam, Aura Sphere, Psychic
My other one knows
Charge Beam, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, and Energy Ball.
252 EVs in spd/sp.atk on both.
The first is holding Leftovers and is Modest, the other is Timid and holds Life Orb.