The Official Pokemon Trading Thread.

henrry2 said:
yo lame dude go get you gameboy color then gba then ds and try to buy all pokemon games when you finsh all the games come here and post like pro so go play old school kido (so lame):mad5:

wow dude, i have no idea what the hell you just said but whatever. im not wasting my money on old games.
trading all of these. looking for other EV trained pokemon.

lvl 100 adamant relicanth


water fall/rock polish/EQ/rock slide

lvl 100 brave rampardos


head smash/rock slide/rock polish/zen headbutt

lvl 65 bold vaporeon


surf/acid armor/baton pass/haze

lvl 61 adamant luxray


spark/ice fang/fire fang/crunch

lvl 75 calm vaproreon


wish/toxic/acid armor/surf

lvl 100 timid froslass


thunder wave/t-bolt/ice beam/confuse ray

lvl 100 timid starmie


t-bolt/surf/psychic/ice beam

lvl 93 modest togekiss


charm/nasty plot/air slash/grass knot

lvl 100 lonely electivire


thunder punch/fire punch/EQ/brick break

lvl 100 modest exeggutor


psychic/leaf storm/synthesis/sunny day

lvl 100 lax weezing


haze/explosion/sludge bomb/painsplit

lvl 100 timid jolteon


baton pass/sub/HP ice/t-bolt

lvl 100 timid espeon


calm mind/grass knot/shadow ball/pschic
Soda Popinski said:
i need a poke with wonderguard ability... PM ME!!!!!!!!!!!! i have ALL LEGENDARIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a spiritomb with one. I don't need/want legendaries, only EV trained ones.
Looking For: Shiny Shedinja or Shiny Nincada with Lonley|Naughty|Hasty|Naive or Adamant nature. Also looking for Shiny Female Combee or Vespiquen. OFFERING anything and generously, because these are some of the last pokemon i will ever need to trade for. PM me if you want up to 3 or 4 pkmn for each or more. Also have a shiny phione to add in. Lvl 1 hatched from egg. PM me.
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pplprsn said:
wow dude, i have no idea what the hell you just said but whatever. im not wasting my money on old games.
u dont have to buy the old games all you have to do is buy a GBA game FR/LG u can still play GBA games on the NDS and if u don't want to buy them u can trade with someone who have a bulbasuar ,i guess u wont find a GBC its really rare these day too bad if u havn't played Gold or Silver jhoto have the best map
MazenXD said:
wow you guys most really miss those games.
but me i can find GBC games almost every where i go but that doesn't mean i see them at game delars and i see the fake not original.
can u find game boy color if u still can, then i guess that Pokemon diamond has been released in your country at the end of July i bought my game at the 22nd of April
I need Lv. 100 Pokemon

I need a Lv. 100 Male Camerupt, a Lv. 100 Male Gyarados, asnd a Lv.100 Male Scyther. If you have these pokemon, pm me, and we'll trade.
Is anyone willing to trade a manaphy in a cherish ball holding the scarf, legit, not battled with yet? I'll trade any of my pokemon (I just restarted so my best pokemonn are about lv.24)

Please, i'm desperate!

(Please pm me or e-mail me at to discuss trade details)

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