Pure Awesomeness
Y - W UpdateI completely forgot t' post my final Y - W update. Also completely forgot everythin' that happened, and the movesets/levels of my team since they were bank'd to my X... ... ... so, this update will be short.
I beat the Champion with no casualties
.... The end.
Greatest update ever. Possibly beats my last challenge update in the 'let's see how little I can write but it still counts as an update' :lol:
Speaking of my challenge, when I said I'd be focusing on my Sapphire Harmonia challenge, I honestly meant it. But for some reason I thought it would be a good idea for me to buy Fire Emblem: Awakening before actually completing the challenge. I kinda got addicted to it and consequently haven't done much towards my challenge as I've been spending all my free time on FE:A.
Hopefully I get back to my challenge soon but I'm not making any promises since I'm in my final year of high school, which doesn't leave me very much spare time
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