The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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  • #556
^ OU agrees with ya. :lol:

Thanks to that run, I'm really rethinking the single/ no item / Nuzlocke challenge. It will be impossible to do it without items.

Not impossible... Just retardedly difficult, and ALMOST impossible. You'd have to never get crit'd where it would be a KO, never miss a game-deciding, move, dodge every One-Hit KO move thrown at ya (... my luck with this is terrible, so I certainly won't try a single-nuzlocke...), etc. It'd take more luck than a Super-Luck Absol with a Scope Lens could offer to beat the challenge.

So yeah, I wouldn't blame ya for taking the single out of the challenge lol.
Thanks, if it wasn't for that metagross I would have snapped my DS

The thing about the elite 4 in black is all the move types, they cover a broad span of types. So in a perfect world it is possible to do, but my luck really sucks.
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Another boring challenge update:
Decimated Fantina, Maylene (thank you Superpower) and Wake with ease.Now off to Celestic Town!Chippy (Bibarel) Level 52 (WOW)Bidoof (fodder)Bidoof (HM slave)Staravia (HM slave)Togepi (fodder)
Sorry for weird format but I had to do this from my phone
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  • #559
^ I certainly appreciate it's not all text speak. :thumbsup:

... The day I ever have a Bibarel at level 50 or higher, I'll die a little inside. :lol:
Man, PERFECT timing dude... I can't believe that went as planned


Well.... well...... damn I hate April.
Poochyena and Nuzleaf just wont cut it for Brawly.
Looks like I may come back to him once I get the OTHER 6 badges, just for overkill.
I really do hate Brawly I can never seem to beat him easily.

This Crawdaunt had better be good..............

Also, I just found my Emerald cartridge, and I realised I have been doing a speedrun solo with Swampert. My time was messed up by one stupid Roserade I lost to 6 times, but could it still be accepted as a single Pokemon challenge? I am around Fallharbour town with 3 badges and a lv. 36 Swampert. Also my HM slave Zigzagoon hasn't battled but I have taken items off it via pickup.
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  • #563
edit button pl0x

Yep, you can resume that Single challenge as an official challenge if you want.
Well now that I think about it I think a Swampert solo run is too unoriginal and easy.... Could I ask for a scramble unevolved single challenge for Emerald, however like Ruby, I am unable to trade. Also keep the no useless Pokemon clause in mind. Thanks.
wouldn't that also qualify for a single type challenge?

I know Magikarp isn't useless, but could I make a request against it for this particular run, as unevolved it may be a tiny bit....... challenging.........
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  • #565
I know Magikarp isn't useless, but could I make a request against it for this particular run, as unevolved it may be a tiny bit....... challenging.........

Yes, yes... We all know how challenging it is to control the awesomeness that is Magikarp without 8 badges, none the less a pair of gigantic balls, but since you can't help either, so be it. I'll honor this request.

Challenge Accepted! I'll give ya Nosepass. Enjoy your challenge bro. :lol:
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  • #567
Oh, that's right... You need Rock Smash to get it. ._. If ya want a different Poke I can certainly change the scramble. Playing nearly half the game without your designated single is somewhat... defeating of the purpose. :lol:

On another note, figured out my strategy for a Single/No-Item/Nuzlocke (yes, I'll be attempting this and doing it with ease and gusto ;)) and am working on the rules for the Nuzlocke Combined challenge as well.
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  • #569
Alright then, I'll give ya Makuhita. Sorry for the (this time unintentional) derp... ;_;

Important Announcement!

The rules have been updated! Nothing too major however; mostly just technicalities; so unless you intend to attempt a new challenge, there's no need to read up on 'em.

Also, the rules for every Combined Nuzlocke Challenge have been added. Those ready to try their hand, I wish you luck; as even with an abundance of skill, you'll sure as **** need it.

If anyone knows of any paradoxes/errors/problems as a whole for the Nuzlocke rules, please do tell me via Visitor Message or Private Message. If there are any rules you would want to suggest (such as if you notice a loop hole that needs fixing, or believe a new rule would make things more interesting), please do message me about that as well.

In other news, I'm also considering the rules for ANOTHER new challenge; the "N" Challenge. The bare bones of the challenge would be something along the lines of releasing every single Pokemon you have, except for one, once you obtain a new badge. Then, you need to catch one new Pokemon in the area ahead, release that single Pokemon you kept, and continue on as you normally would, catching and battling on your way to the next gym.

This challenge wouldn't be difficult as much as it would be fun... And I'd say it damn-well would be pretty interesting, if not fun. Though, I probably won't work out the kinks in the idea and make it an official challenge for awhile.
I really like the idea for a single nuzlocke no items challenge. So, in favor of that, I am dropping my monotype challenge for it. Also, I would like YOU CK to pick my generation (except for IV) And going with what I am doing in my single challenge now, I will use Raticate, Furret, Lioone , or Watchog.
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