The Official Mario Strikers Charged Online Error's thread

ill keep faith, plus I love the single player mode anyways, its class, the cups etc:)

I can get on it most of the time, however after about 20 it disconnects me:(
GMaster1000 said:
Seems as if Nintendo were just fixing the captains issue. As you may now be aware, today there has been a slight change where players take turns to seleclt captains and sidekicks and there is a clear home and away division.

I for one am glad that this bug has been fixed.

What was it like before then?
abaout haf an hour ago the game kept freezing and said connection lost this happend about 4 times then i have 1 succseful game after that. anyone else have the same experiance
probably thats why they launch it in europe first.... you know, they got to tested before... like medicines, they use rats :lol:

j/k, that sucks.. hopefully they fixed everything
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rishi 20 said:
lol what do u meanlee u wanna get banned for havin a advertisment. lol. i tried to face u but u declined

Meh, adding a few members and I had to go to dinner :yesnod:
hay im getten an error code the same one where its says data loss when transferring data u now.

well this one is happening when i look for a random match. when its sez searching its comes up with that error code.

Is this happening to anyone else
only error ive had is getting the stats but I think they have fixed it for me now because it hasn't happened all day:)
When ur searching for a random match and no-one is available, it shows the error code and kicks u off to the home screen again. Just connect back on and search again!
ive been trying to play a ranked match for bout a hour and a half, but i just keep getting 'Error 86070 Disconnected from Network During Data Transmission'

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