** The Official " I got My WII Thread"***

Anyone live in Western Pennsylvania? If you do what do you think the availibility will be for the next couple weeks? Theres a 2 Wal-Marts, 1 Sams Club, 3 Gamestops, and 2 EB Games within about a 5-7 mile radius. I haven't pre-ordered it or anything. And also how realistic is Wii Sports?
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JUST GOT WIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! got to Target at 11pm and left at 8am. fun.
got Zelda tp, cant play until i get home though
I got my wii and i got another one to sell on E-bay. I'll have the link up in a few.
I got a Wii. :)

Got to Target @ 5AM, 3 hours before opening. I got Ticket 15 when they started handing them out, and everything ran really smooth. The line was organized, the handling of the ticket's were organized, the support @ electronics were awesome. Anyways, I got the Wii, an extra pair of Remote/Nunchuk, the Classic Controller, 2000 Wii Points and Zelda: TP. I wanted NFS: Carbon but Target never got it.

Happy gaming. :)
Can somebody please post a lengthy video of their wii and making mii's and such. Also somebody make a post on here with the Opera Browser
In red steel. i heard the sword fighting is really bad. cos u can just hit them . its nothing like tralier
Yes,it is
(After thinking)Wow,I'm glad they release it later in Europe but I still want it sooner
They can fix problems from the US Wii
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i got mine! me and my friend arrived at 12 midnigh and their was 3 people in the parking lot but not waiting at the door so we just stayed in the car. we watched some movies and stuff and then around 2 some guy came up asking if we wanted to buy his wii for $500. he said it came with Zelda and Madden and i asked "why not Wii Sports" and he said "well we saw it on the shelf but didnt think anyone would want to buy it from us." at that moment i knew he was a fraud lol. i said no and he drove off. anyways around 3 another car came and 2 people got out and set up their chairs. we were gonna wait a little but then the other 3 guys did the same thing so we did too. not too long after the rush came. about 4 people every 30 min untill around 6. thats when they started POURING in. the manager (who arrived at like 4) said they had 39 systems (the target wii invitory thing was right!) i was 6th in line so yea lol. anyways it was getting to get close to 8 and more and more people showed up. at 7:45 they handed out tickets. 3 people didnt get a ticket and about 10 other people showed up asking if any were left. well 8:00 rolls by and they open the doors and we go in a thaw out lol (was 28F outside!!). they lead us to the electronics section and to a shelve of Wii accessories. i figure the line is gonna start their so i go. well after that i hear the lady say "to the left is the line to get the Wii and to the right is the games and accessories." needless to say i got kinda upset because i went from being 6th to almost last lol. now i just gotta wait for Game Crazy to open so i can get my copy of Zelda!
i got the last wii (the 81st) at target this morning. got there at 4:50 then waited till 7 to find out i got the last ticket and then waited till 8 to get in line for the console and finally got it at 8:30. and yes it is awesome!

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