The Official "I Got A Wii U" Thread

I restarted pokemon emerald one time because i whited out so much i lost all my money. I really wanted to catch that rayquaza lol.. I was so bad. No idea where i could get more money after beating every trainer and selling all my items, including TMs...

Still want a wii u. Maybe mario party 10 will have wifi so i can smack splash king's ass real quick there too. Hope they make mario party a bit faster, like the character movement, and all that stuff in between.. takes hours.
Maybe mario party 10 will have wifi so i can smack splash king's ass real quick there too.

***** plz my button mashing skills are top notch

Mario Party should've had Wi-Fi since the bloody first version that hit the Wii.
Mario Party is alright. I don't see how'd they be able to play it online decently. There'd be so many issues to address.
Time probably has to be shorter, mini game lag/sync, etc.

What we need is a Nintendo Land -like game online but with more mini games. (Basically Mario Party but without the Party Mode (map roaming part)
There'd simply be a buffer system like with Brawl: if someone's connection isn't cutting it, the whole game would slow down. CPUs would replace anyone who drops out, naturally.

I can see there bein' a really short timer for someone to take their turn, much shorter for choosing various decisions, and board games never bein' more than 20 turns for games with randoms (Mario Party with randoms... oh karp no lol). I can also see a "minigame only" mode bein' a thing for with randoms. There'd be no worries about players ragequitting or stalling the game if everythin' goes one minigame at a time, and those who drop out are immediately replaced.
Yeah, i agree. Their was a cool mechanic in smackdownvsraw 2009 where it showed a percentage next to their name saying how much they disconnected. People usually avoided those players and people tried not to rage quit to not lower their percentage.

I would so dc at the final stars as the winner is being picked.:lol:
There'd simply be a buffer system like with Brawl: if someone's connection isn't cutting it, the whole game would slow down. CPUs would replace anyone who drops out, naturally.
Net coding is also an issue. While optimization is key, there's always that one (usually innocent) person who is playing on the moon. If the netcode or connection is bad everyone has to suffer. That should be a no-no. CPU replacing is an okay solution but AIs aren't that smart or sometimes to overpowered and it gets pretty boring/frustrating. People disconnecting is just playing offline. Disconnection frequency shows next to people would help so you can decide whether to stay or not.

I can see there bein' a really short timer for someone to take their turn, much shorter for choosing various decisions, and board games never bein' more than 20 turns for games with randoms (Mario Party with randoms... oh karp no lol). I can also see a "minigame only" mode bein' a thing for with randoms. There'd be no worries about players ragequitting or stalling the game if everythin' goes one minigame at a time, and those who drop out are immediately replaced.
Party with randoms... Maybe just reserve that for With Friends (and invites) instead. Randoms, like you said, are more likely to RageQuit. An option to leave the group instead of random strangers after minigames complete would be nice. (Or a set of 4, where each player chooses 1 game). Nintendo could and should do something like this, Mario Party or not.
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Net coding is also an issue. While optimization is key, there's always that one (usually innocent) person who is playing on the moon. If the netcode or connection is bad everyone has to suffer. That should be a no-no. CPU replacing is an okay solution but AIs aren't that smart or sometimes to overpowered and it gets pretty boring/frustrating. People disconnecting is just playing offline. Disconnection frequency shows next to people would help so you can decide whether to stay or not. Party with randoms... Maybe just reserve that for With Friends (and invites) instead. Randoms, like you said, are more likely to RageQuit. An option to leave the group instead of random strangers after minigames complete would be nice. (Or a set of 4, where each player chooses 1 game). Nintendo could and should do something like this, Mario Party or not.
People will rage quit regardless LOL and for people who have bad connections in a free for all room should just be dropped from the match so the connection can stay strong.
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people who have bad connections in a free for all room should just be dropped from the match so the connection can stay strong.

That'd be discriminating against anyone who has a bad connection, be it due to budget constraints or their area simply havin' bad infrastructure. Wouldn't go well in (U.S.) court, it'd be like that there class action lawsuit Verizon dealt with awhile back.
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That'd be discriminating against anyone who has a bad connection, be it due to budget constraints or their area simply havin' bad infrastructure. Wouldn't go well in (U.S.) court, it'd be like that there class action lawsuit Verizon dealt with awhile back.
So what could be a better solution then? Unless Nintendo were to start forcing everyone to pay a monthly fee to go online and have a solid connection. So they anywhere in the world the lag would be reduced greatly.
That ain't how connection quality works lol. Ninty can't just bump up everyone's e-speed.
Open server browser. Filter by ping. Those who join and exceed servers' specified limit are autokicked. Sigh, if only. It's basic necessity for pc. Why isn't it more common on consoles?
Because simple-minded CoD gamers and children would be baffled by what that there newfangled "kicked for exceeding maximum ping" message means.

That, and console games don't have server systems. Usually. For whatever stupid reason.
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Because simple-minded CoD gamers and children would be baffled by what that there newfangled "kicked for exceeding maximum ping" message means.That, and console games don't have server systems. Usually. For whatever stupid reason.
They need to change that then.

It'd be nice t' choose what parameters ya can play under. No more waiting five minutes just to join a taunt party in Smash Bros. No joining the same lobby full of homebrew kiddies five bloody times in a row. No worries about joinin' underpopulated lobbies for less popular games and spendin' half your time "gaming" that way.
Everyone would just adore that. No desyncs, no lag, and no more wasted time searching.

Alas, we aren't in that time period with a perfect solution yet and I doubt we would be soon. Money, resources, developement, and time are so limited. There're just too many variables out of our control for all that and then some. What we got isn't terribly broken, it just needs a lot of work.

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