The official "I Bought my SMG Copy"

I went to a Gamestop yesterday near a mall and I didn't see Mario Galaxy anywhere on the shelves or any sign saying that they had it so I assumed they didn't but I asked one of the employees if they're getting it tomorrow and he said, "We have it right now." It was like 8:30 pm. They didn't have any sign or anything to indicate that they had it probably because they didn't want swarms of people to come in at closing time. I didn't even bring my wallet because I wasn't intending to go there. So later when I went home, I called the Gamestop near my house but they were closed (it was 9 pm) so I didn't get to buy it yesterday! :( ...But I'm gonna buy it right after school today and get my coin! But I won't be able to play it until like December cause I have my SATs.. :(
manneeee I stayed home from school to play it...
i mean the vomiting might have had something to do with it too... but
...mostly SMG
skewzzme said:
manneeee I stayed home from school to play it...
i mean the vomiting might have had something to do with it too... but
...mostly SMG
Worst excuse ever. :lol:
Anyway, I am glad that you are enjoying the game. :)
I officially have my copy now. Just left Toys 'R' Us with it 10 minutes ago - the shipment arrived just in time for me to make it to my afternoon class. :smilewinkgrin:
I grabbed my copy at toys r us and got my $25 gift card. i wont be playing it until i finish metroid which will be awhile. i figured the gift card was worth purchasing it today.
Paid for it yesterday, picked it up at lunch today from GameStop. Looks to be a very good one.
Earthworm Jim said:
I grabbed my copy at toys r us and got my $25 gift card. i wont be playing it until i finish metroid which will be awhile. i figured the gift card was worth purchasing it today.

Nice, I got there a bit too late. All the mommies snatched up all the copies. :mad5: But I had already preordered it from Gamestop, so I just picked it up there instead, because the girl at Toys R Us said she didn't think there would be more before the free gift card deal was up. Woulda really liked to get a free Crainium game though (was my girlfriends request).
I'm just lucky with Wii Stuff I guess. I got my Wii from a store that had only 2 left in stock 6 hours after I called and asked how many they had. (My dad picked it up after work so I had to wait)

Now this, I saw the $25 Gift Card deal, convinced my parents to let me get SMG as an early X-Mas present, and told my Mom to check TRU everyday from Tuesday to Friday on her way back from work. But, she somehow got her hands on SMG today, the release date, and she went at like 4:00. She said there were 3 or 4 boxes packed with SMG's when she left.

But yeah anyway got it, played for a bit, beat the first galaxy and took a break to eat and go on the computer.
i never have reserved a game i went to toys r us so i could get the 25 dollar gift certificate with it they said the only had copies for reserved people come back in two days :(
The area where I live is tommrrow. I can't wait and get my copy of Mario Galaxy! Yea! On old Mario 64 game I have 120 stars I going try that again on the new one!