The "Official" Fire Emblem Thread

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  • #301
Because **** Game Stop, that's why. Anyone who buys there is a twat, either because they're as ignorant as one or outright are a full-blown twat. Or they were forced to buy in that **** establishment 'cause of Xenoblade's exclusivity...

In my case it ain't that simple neither, the nearest anythin' is a gas station many miles away. The nearest store that sells vidya gaems is hours away.
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  • #306
Sadly, that's the only good thing they've ever done right. Money-grubbin' fiends indeed. If you're inclined t' disagree, I'm especially disappointed in you, Assasin.

What's wrong with Gamestop? D:

Google, you fool. Gamestop is known for hiring lackluster employees, be it their utter lack of manners or complete absence of competency. They don't actually ****in' test their used consoles or their games, people stupid enough t' shop there get duds all the time. They've monopolized the used vidya gaem market. Their profits on used games are literally larger than sellin' a new game, as such they have used games as the bulk of their marketing campaigns 'n adds. This literally robs gaming companies of profits since Gamestop lives off of their used game tomfoolery; they sell more used games than new; which is ****in' ridiculous in the first place since anythin' used they sell, you can find on the internet for cheaper. Often notably so. In short, they're worse than pirates.

Piracy takes a grand ol' margin outta profits from everyone, but what percentage of pirates sell that ISO for their own profit? None, because it's not that simple anymore. Ya can't pop in a game on a DVD and have it work. Gamestop's used games shenanigans rob companies of a new game's sale, then rip off the used game seller and buyer. Meanwhile, Gamestop is profiting every step of the way whereas no one else is: namely the game companies. I'd be brazen enough t' say Gamestop sells more used games than people steal games still produced and sold on shelves. I can damn-well say Gamestop is more of a blight on company's profits than pirates are, because the former is hilariously easier to take part in and, more importantly, legal.

Let's not forget how they've bullied most-all retail gaming store competition into submission and outta business. How the **** do ya think they get away with their prices? Why do ya think they always have shitty pre-order bonuses, even though companies WOULDN'T want business with 'em since their used game monopoly hurts their profits? Because there's no one else t' go to.

They're the ****in' Walmart of gaming stores, except without all the "good" prices. They are cancer t' the culture of gaming. Anyone who participates in their circle jerk of mountebanker business practices is a twat in that they support these charlatans' attempts at blatantly swindling, as well as the fact such consumers are rippin' themselves off all the while.

Gamestop sucks, stop ****in' shoppin' there.

Just one "****" per paragraph belays my disdain of Gamestop. I should be goin' all BluRayPSP on this topic lawl.
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The only game store in my area is a gamestop. Went in there one time and there was a 16 year old working the counter. I wait in line and ask a question. His friend was behind me in line so he hurried and half assed answered my question and then just started BSing with his friend. Flat out said that thats the reason I never come to gamestop and left. The only reason I am sad that Hollywood video went out of business is because GameCrazy went with it. Those guys were awesome. Was the only place to carry the original "fat" xbox controllers back in the day and everyone who worked there was cool as ****.

Thank god for amazon Prime and the free 2 day shipping and free release date shipping.
Second hand games have always been purchased long before gamestop. The only change is we remove some profit from the big companies, because come on, there's many casual "hardcore" gamers out there. I've always bought used games if possible. Your other point is lousy employees. Name a store with good service. Or you could work there and try changing that. Doesn't matter. If it weren't for gamestop, I'd miss out on so many of the somewhat rare gems.
How about the fact that the "new" games you buy there are opened? Or the used games that I have gotten from them are usually scratched. or the used hardware (consoles, controllers, etc) are dirty and terrible? I buy my used stuff from the local used game store (they sell only used games and retro stuff. They do sometimes stock the new major releases) or ebay.
The new games I purchase are definitely not opened. And yeah, used games tend to have scratches, that's normal. And that's why you can return 'em for a refund. I would definitely check out another game store , if there was one near. But there isn't.
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  • #311
Takin' this to the thread of herpaderpin', since this doesn't directly apply t' Fire Emblem...