The Official Call of Duty: WaW Friend Code Exchange

codmwr fc is 063252040514
1st prestige rank 48
wanna play on private matches and have some team mates for other games
added loads of people but are all pending :(

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Hi all,I finally found a site ,anyway my friend and I are looking to join a clan waw my names,were silent ninja,sly fox,sniper,and dog handler,was kow and nbk,now I"m 10th prestige I have over 61,000 kills and 6,ooo h.s my new name ptrs pro. my fc 154 850 738 539 Ill check back in a little while .thanks all
What's up everybody you know the deal here's my fc W.a.W. 3008-7748-1000 let me know if you add me alright later
hey i have a new friend code on mwr its 3489 2512 2406 add me and pm yours and we'll be friends. im awesome, just an fyi