The Movie Game

Kosh1and2 said:
You must have the U.S. copy because in the rest of the world its called Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Fair enough though, the Aussie copy was only released in Pan and Scan, Why oh why?!?! I got my copy in Thailand, the land of pirate DVDs :D

Eight Legged Freaks
WOOPS!!!! i just realised that, im from aussie, i was trying to remember the name so i googled harry potter and it came with sorcerors. I cant beleive i didnt realise that as i have read the HP series like 3 times +. Anyway:

School of Rock
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m7ticalm said:
WOOPS!!!! i just realised that, im from aussie, i was trying to remember the name so i googled harry potter and it came with sorcerors. I cant beleive i didnt realise that as i have read the HP series like 3 times +. Anyway:

School of Rock

Hey don't beat yourself up about it fellow skippy, at the very worst we've helped to confuse some poor American kids while they try to find out what a philosopher is :lol:. Why did they need to change it anyway? Don't they know what philosophers are in the states?

King Kong (the original, dodgy black and white version, not the one made by hairy Kiwis)
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m7ticalm said:
Dead or Alive

You know that new movie with those fighting chicks
Ah yes starring Holly Valance, I always thought a valance was something that was draped around your bed, mmm that would be nice :D

Easy Rider

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