The most reasonable character list mock up for SSBB:

nice but i think there are too many pokemon and why is spyro doing in there? But very nice overall. I would love to play this SSBB game. And like you just start out with the normal people then unlock all the rest..... awesome
Wow.. All Of The Characters... What If You Can Switch Between 2 DIfferent CHaracters At Once?
i dont know why you crossed out anyone, it looks fine the way it is, except i have no idea who mallow is kinda looks like a kirby clone?
Mallow is from Super Mario RPG, the game that didnt make it to the US. It was SNES game, and how sick is the second one, it has Sora in it from Kingdom Hearts!, Sora is the best and Kingdom Hearts is the best, the only upside to a PS2 is Kingdom Hearts 3......

*edit* sorry i mean PS3 not PS2 :)
One of the main good things that could come from this is that there would be a bigger character between ppl online and stuff.

One of the main bad things is that u would have to possibly beat the game w/ all of them, even the crappy one's, to get a certain character. That would take an enormous chunk of time and only half of it might be fun.

Another fricken AWSOME thing about this line up is the pokemon!!! Yeah Yeah!

Get rid of:
E. Gadd
All Animal Crossing characters
Mr. Pants....
Pac-man(I said it! don't scold me, I just don't think he would be good)
Balloon Fighter
lolo & lala

P.S. The missingno. guy is when a pokemon uses substitute in Pokemon Stadium and R/B/Y versions.
YOU POKEMON FREAK!!!!! HOW CAN U GET RID OF SANDBAG ALSO! u disgust me, wat would SSBB be without sandbag..... just emptiness.....
i think that in the actual game they have to include capt. olimar, sonic, diddy, waluigi, toad, boo, petey, and maybe shadow mario
Can you please unmark those ones... I can't really see who they are.

Also, if you're going to keep Young Link or Falco over Mega Man who (probably) has an entire new set of moves, can you at least say there will be no clones.

We don't need Fox in a new skin, but we do need new varieties of characters.
Homicidal_Gamer said:
Usually people go was over board with these mock ups! :lol:

lol that would be pretty cool, and it would be fun to beat up resseti cuz of all the times my lil bro turned off the game and didnt save and he just kept lecturing me for hours in animal crossing :p

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