5 Gamecube Games That Need To Come To Wii


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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The GameCube was the loser of the last generation by a long, long way.

The Playstation 2 had already run away with the “console war crown” a good year or so before the GameCube’s launch and Nintendo’s box never really packed any kind of punch worthy enough of denting Sony’s dominance.

With Microsoft offering (what is still today) the best online experience possible on a home console and Sony providing a platform which was supported by pretty much every developer in the world Nintendo had their work cut out right from the word go.
So they did what Nintendo do best.

Throughout the GameCube’s life Nintendo released a plethora of first-party exclusive titles that provided gamers world-wide with hours and hours of top quality, classic Nintendo gaming.

Sadly, the fortunes of Nintendo’s ill-fated GameCube were never revived, but, given the success of the Wii, the purple ‘Cube has left behind a huge back catalogue of games that could be remade and targeted at a whole new audience.

Here are the top five games (in no particular order) we’d love to come to the Wii.

Animal Crossing

What is it?

Released in 2004 in Europe (a whole 3 years after the Japanese release) Animal Crossing is a life simulator that was arguably Nintendo’s most innovative game of the GameCube era. The gameplay was completely open-ended allowing for players to pretty much participate in any tasks they pleased.

Why would it work on the Wii?

There are five syllables that best describe why Animal Crossing should come to the Wii: Nintendo Wi-Fi. Everybody knows that Nintendo is most lacking some kind of online community and what better way could we experience such a thing than with a game like Animal Crossing. Imagine delving into a world where you can complete tasks with friends, lounge about in your mate’s house or just generally chat with other Wii gamers.

It’s idealistic to say the least but is there any reason why it couldn’t happen?

Luigi’s Mansion

What is it?

Luigi’s Mansion was one of the GameCube’s launch titles and while being condemned for being far (far) too short it was amazingly well animated, designed and put together to say the least. With Nintendo (seemingly) having a crush on Ghost Busters-esque backpacks (see FLUDD from Super Mario Sunshine) Luigi is given the Poltergust 3000, a vacuum cleaner used to capture ghosts and is sent into a haunted mansion to rescue his brother, Mario.

Why would it work on the Wii?

The GameCube’s C-stick was an excellent way of controlling Luigi’s arm in order to target the ghosts and suck them up, but the Wii Remote would be so much more precise, so much more enjoyable and so, so much more satisfying. Also, given the disappointing length of the original Luigi’s Mansion, I myself have personally been craving some more of the same. Make it happen Nintendo, but turn it into an epic this time.

F-Zero GX

What is it?

The sequel to the N64’s F-Zero X (which itself is a follow up to the SNES’ F-Zero), F-Zero GX is the fastest, hardest, most insane racing game ever invented, ever (bar Wipeout of course). Competing in races with no less than 29 other drivers, F-Zero GX (home to Captain Falcon) was known for making most gamers eyes bleed such was the speed that this game ran at.

Why would it work on the Wii?

Providing gamers with Excite Truck controls might be a bit too clunky for a game that runs as fast as F-Zero – so with GameCube and Classic Controller support why not just give us more of the same. More tracks, more opponents, crisper visuals, faster vehicles and more good times.

Oh and did we mention Nintendo Wi-Fi connection? We didn’t? Take note Nintendo.


What is it?

The brainchild of Shigeru Miyamoto (legend has it he came up with the idea after sitting in his garden watching some ants) Pikmin is a real-time strategy game that has developed quite a cult following after spawning two iterations on the GameCube. Playing as Captain Olimar you commanded different coloured Pikmin to do different tasks in order to recover different parts of your spaceship.

Why would it work on the Wii?

By using the nunchuck to control Captain Olimar and the remote to control the Pikmin (in a point and click fashion) the controls could be flawless. An online co-operative mode could work as well providing gamers with adapted challenges where team work must be used in order to complete the level.

A DS iteration of this game could work brilliantly too so why not release two versions of the game and allow some kind of connectivity between the Wii and DS version?

Eternal Darkness

What is it?

A psychological horror game developed by Canada’s Silicon Knights. Eternal Darkness was based around a strange mansion in Rhode Island, home of protagonist Alexandra Roivas’ grandfather. Eternal Darkness gathered quite a cult following after it’s launch in 2002 and gained a lot of accolades from video game magazines and websites.

Why would it work on the Wii?

It’s been 6 years since this game was released now and given Nintendo and Silicon falling out of bed with each other it’s more likely an Eternal Darkness sequel will land on the 360 and PS3 than Wii but we can always hope, pray and cross our fingers for a continuation to (probably) one of the best GameCube games on Nintendo’s new console. This is another case (in my opinion) where more of the same would be the spice of life. Make it happen Silicon (and Nintendo). This franchise is too good to waste.

Are there any other GameCube games you’d love to see brought to the Wii, either as a sequel or an update?


I think its a given that we sill end up seeing an Animal Crossing, Pikmin and F-Zero game. Its only a matter of time.
we're not talking remakes here are we? i dont think at least.

ide have to agree with a luigis mansion game, the wii is PERFECT for that game, nd we can all agree with out a doubt
good list although there are atleast 50 other games that MUST make there way to the Wii aswell.
Gimme some Custom Robo.

That'd be some epic win, right there.
i remember 007 agent under fire had awesome split screen.

Eternal Darkness is such an awesome game, wish they would make a sequel for the Wii

And I can't wait for Animal Crossing Wii!

I'd also love to see a sequel to Blast Corps, yeah I know it's a N64 game and it's quite impossible that a sequel will come out for Wii, but it's still one of my favorite games :)

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