The Memory Card...


Loyal to Nintendo
Feb 27, 2007
The Television Set
Alright folks, so here I am getting ready to go out and blow some money on the VC games, and was going to pick up a memory card while I was at it.

I'm not liking what I'm seeing on here though...alot of them don't work or are not compatable?

So what should I do here...take a recommendation from someone and go grab one, or wait until Nintendo improves on this situation and just use the Wii flash-mem for the time being?

I saw a few "official" Nintendo 1GB cards on eBay...but I'm not sure how official they actually are.

Why do you want to get a memory card? You don't really need it unless you've completely filled up your internal flash memory (and I'm not sure there are enough VC games released yet to do that).

Most SD cards work without problems. But if you wait to buy one until you actually need one, then the prices will probably have come down even more by then.
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Whenever a new system comes out, I try to get all the accessories sooner than later, because I anticipate eventually needing to use them. The only thing I haven't picked up for my Wii yet is the memory card, so I was looking into it.
Thanks for the info,
I'm using some freebie MicroSD cards with SD adapters and they work just fine. They're 256mb PQI. I've actually used a bunch of cheapo cards and they've all worked.

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