The Many Holidays of Every Day

As I previously stated, ALL gentlemen must master it. Whether or not it is used in daily conversation depends on the individual.

But using proper vocabulary can really change a things. Example: Here is your run of the mill TF2 video

This is the same video except it is made for gentlemen.
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  • #32
I don't know what sickens me more... The way rich gentlemen with fancy 'staches talk, or the fact I understood all that rubbish... ;_;
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  • #33
October 17th​

Today, we've got a plentiful 6 holidays.

Mulligan Day
National Boss Day
National Cake Decorating Day
International Day For The Eradication of Poverty
Arthur Miller's Birthday
Hurricane Thanksgiving Day

For those familiar with Golf terminology, you might think today is indeed, about mulligans. Not of the sporting variety, however; Mulligan Day is also known as "Do-over" day, a day of second chances and giving second chances. Of course, every day should be a day of second chances and such, so this day I don't particularly care about.

National Boss Day is that famed day for browning points; although, there's plenty of confusion over whether or not it's the 16th or 17th of October... Sorry. Regardless of my information blundering, for the few people who actually have decent or better bosses (lucky ****ers...), today's the day for you. Since most hardass bosses just see celebrating boss day as a way for employers to brown nose, they get angered (they always find a way to be pissed at everyone). If a nasty boss is your case, this day isn't for you.

Another information blunder, this was apparently the 10th... I need a new source of information. Regardless, Cake Decorating Day is an excuse to get those women back in the kitchen, and make something besides a sammich. Or if you're an aspiring chef like myself, an excuse to work on your food art. Y'all would be surprised how much a pastry chef/wedding cake decorator makes. ;)

International Day For The Eradication of Poverty is exactly what the name is; a day to spread awareness of how poverty-laden some of our kin are, in hopes to be rid of it. Whether they're in third world countries or in the country you or I live in, poverty strikes everywhere, and with all due force. While some people have rightly earned their way into poverty, almost everyone hasn't. I don't need to say any more, aside from this day of awareness is my holiday pick of the day.

If you don't know who Arthur Miller is, either you don't read, or for shame... Regardless, for those who don't know, Arthur Asher Miller is an American play writer famous for dramas such as Death of a Salesman and The Crucible; American high school language classes are certainly notorious for hosting such books. Oh, and if you don't respect literature, he was married to Marilyn Monroe.

If you've never heard of Hurricane Thanksgiving Day, I doubt you'd guess the meaning of the day; I sure as hell didn't. This day is celebrated only in the Virgin Islands as the summer hurricane season finally ends. It's also celebrated as thanks for either hurricane disasters being avoided, or as thanks for those who were sparred from any disasters. If it still sounds odd to you, it's generally thanks to their God they're giving; so yeah, another religious holiday.

I'd ask who here's having trouble with this **** economy, but I think it's safe to say we all are...
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The first time I read "International Day For The Eradication of Poverty", I thought this had something to do with "eradication" of those in poverty...
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  • #36
October 18th​

We've got a good 7 holidays today.

National Chocolate Cupcake Day
Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity
St. Luke Feast Day
World Menopause Day
Alaska Day
Independence Day (Azerbaijan)
Persons Day

National Chocolate Cupcake Day is only celebrated in America-- oh look, a holiday related to shoving chocolate sweets in your face, only in America. Who would'a thought...

Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity is a holiday spawned of utterly moronic extremists who don't believe in abortion. I have no problem with any religion unless it involves sacrificing newborn kittens, but keep your religion out of our already-damned politics. Worse yet, the organization associated with this holiday, "Stand True - Christ Centered Pro-life" are specifically targeting youngin' women who are still in school; and as youngin's, have easily impressioned minds who are 99% likely to not have the funds nor mindset to have a child both at such a young age, and in this cursed economy. Moreso than ever before, this "holiday" is stupid, and is the first of many I damn for appearing in my thread. This, without a doubt, gets my first "GTFO" pick of the day.

St. Luke Feast Day is another Christian holiday, but luckily it isn't stupid like anti-abortion day as seen above. The holiday obviously celebrates Saint Luke, the first Christian physician. I had no idea there was a biblical figure that was a physician, which is actually rather interesting to me. I've heard sparse stories of Christians who refuse to see doctors or physicians in the face of sickness, using faith and prayer alone as a cure to all ailments because modern science is unholy in their eyes and whatnot... Makes me curious where such ideals came from.

World Menopause Day is obvious in meaning, and is a day of awareness for Menopause. As commonplace as menopause is; all women have to deal with it if they don't die young; I'd say most, if not all of the awareness days we've covered already are more important, as I'd certainly consider awareness about starvation and poverty more potent in ruining lives. A day that isn't stupid, but is also a bit unnecessary in my eyes.

Alaska Day is the day celebrating the date of the formal transfer of Alaska from Russian control to the US, the date of which would be October 18th of 1867. It is a legal and paid holiday for the employed in Alaska. This is not the actual day of Alaska's purchase, though; that would be Seward's Day which falls on the last Monday of March. This day commemorates the specific day the Russian Flag of Alaska's Fort Sitka was lowered, and replaced with the then-newly 49 star American Flag. Makes me wonder how many states have their own "state day", and more importantly, how many of those days are legal holidays...

Azerbaijan's Independence Day celebrates the day the USSR fell and as a result, lost control of Azerbaijan. Thus, Azerbaijan gained it's independence back, and you have Azerbaijan's Independence Day. Simple enough.

Person's Day is the day commemorating the court decision of October 18th 1929, that all women were to be considered "persons" for all purposes under the British North America Act, which is to say they legally have the rights every man should. Of course, as with all results of a rights movement, there were loopholes and bigotry to deal with afterwards. Two steps forward, one step back, essentially. None the less, progress is progress, no matter how little. Since I'm a man who believes all man and women are equal, this is my holiday pick of the day.

Took me far too long to realize, but posting these late in the day, or even at night, is rather stupid. :lol: I'll be attempting to post a day's holidays right after midnight/early morning.
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I have no problem with any religion unless it involves sacrificing newborn kittens, but keep your religion out of our already-damned politics. Worse yet, the organization associated with this holiday, "Stand True - Christ Centered Pro-life" are specifically targeting youngin' women who are still in school; and as youngin's, have easily impressioned minds who are 99% likely to not have the funds nor mindset to have a child both at such a young age, and in this cursed economy. Moreso than ever before, this "holiday" is stupid, and is the first of many I damn for appearing in my thread. This, without a doubt, gets my first "GTFO" pick of the day.
I sense a counter statement. They shouldn't harm a kitten, but humans should be aborted? Found that odd. Eh, whatever floats your boat.

SSBfreakCK said:
Took me far too long to realize, but posting these late in the day, or even at night, is rather stupid. :lol: I'll be attempting to post a day's holidays right after midnight/early morning.
Found that strange myself.
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  • #38
I sense a counter statement. They shouldn't harm a kitten, but humans should be aborted? Found that odd. Eh, whatever floats your boat.

That wasn't a very literal example. :p My personal views on the matter is abortions are an almost necessary part of modern civilization; killing something already born which obtained consciousness ain't right.
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  • #39
October 19th

Today, we've got 6 holidays.

Medical Assistants Recognition Day
Evaluate Your Life Day
Hagfish Day
Shemini Atzeret
Yorktown Day
Missouri Day

Medical Assistants Recognition Day is what it is; a day to recognize the importance of medical assistants. The profession does administrative and clinical-related activities to support doctors, and we wouldn't have functioning clinics or hospitals without them. If you've so much as ever gotten a shot or been sick, you've dealt with a medical assistant. Since they help save lives, it's certainly a worthy day of appreciation.

Evaluate Your Life Day
is also, what it is; a day to reflect on your life as a whole. How is your life? Are you satisfied and humble with it, or do you think it's lacking? If the later, today's the day to think on how to make it better... If the economy will allow it, anyway. Since most people in modern day life can go on through life without really thinking about the distant long run, this is a day that the modern world could use, but unfortunately isn't widely known. A lot of people tend to live day by day through distractions, unrealistic expectations, "living in their own world", earthly possessions and/or highs in an attempt to avoid the truth of a poor life. For that reason, one I can personally relate to, this is my holiday pick of the day.

Hagfish Day is, well... see for yourself.

Shemini Atzeret, meaning "the eighth day of assembly" is a Jewish holiday which takes place after the final day of Sukkot, although they aren't directly related. Long ago, Shemini Atzeret was the day a ritual known as Tefilat Geshem took place in an effort to pray for rain following the harvest season in Israel. The day also marks the beginning of the rainy season, hence the day for the ritual. Yep, another religious holiday.

Yorktown Day is celebrated in, of course, Yorktown Virginia. It celebrates the surrender of Lord Cornwallis' British forces on October 19th, 1781 during the American Revolution. This vitally important siege was the very last major American-British battle of the American Revolution, a decisive victory towards the end of the war. I'm surprised such an important event is only celebrated in Yorktown of the United States, honestly. I'm an idiot when it comes to 18th Century history, and even I remember the battle of Yorktown.

I was wondering if there were any other state holidays yesterday; lo and behold, Missouri Day is a day to recognize Missouri's history and accomplishments. But to my surprise, this day isn't all-that celebrated apparently. Probably because there's no concrete reason behind the date, which is simply the third Wednesday of every October. It doesn't commemorate some invention, birthday, or victory either, so that's most likely why it's widely uncelebrated. It's not a legal holiday like Alaska Day, so clearly the conclusion is that Alaska > Missouri.

So, who's gonna think about how their life's goin', and where to go with it?
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  • #43
AND the interwebz has existed for 200 years? The surprises just keep on coming.

This thread is making amazing discoveries that may very well revolutionize the way we perceive history... Impeccable.

And everyone has me to thank for it. :D
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  • #44
October 20th

We've got a huge 9 holidays today.

Information Overload Awareness Day (indeed)
Birth of the Bab
Get Smart About Credit Day
International Credit Union Day
Miss American Rose Day
Simchat Torah
Revolution Day (Guatemala)
Bela Lugosi's Birthday
Mickey Mantle's Birthday

I would of thought Information Overload Awareness Day was something about schools teaching too much (lolyeahright), but I was completely off. IOA Day is actually important in that it brings awareness to the distress of "knowledge workers" from agencies that have the desk job of organizing and going through various information via computer; namely e-mails. It's a waste of time for these workers, and ridiculously enough, a huge waste of money.
"58 percent of government workers spend half the workday filing, deleting, or sorting information, at an annual cost of almost $31 billion dollars."
... Yeah. Who would of thought stupid ramblings and spam costs $31 billion, much of that coming out of tax payers' wallets, I'm sure. Information Overload is surprisingly serious business.

The Birth of the Bab is a Holy Day of the Bahá'í religious faith; which unfortunately, I've absolutely never heard of. I won't talk out of my ass, so read this instead. :D

Get Smart About Credit Day is easily the most important awareness holiday we've had yet; yes, I'm being serious. Because of what little knowledge idiotic young adults and morons in general, as well as greed and lack of foresight (America in particular...), the economy is where it is now due in part of this. Foreclosure, unrepaid debt, bankruptcy, etc. creates havoc on the economy. Combined with whatever other money-related struggles in the world, this has created the hellish situation we're all in. Countries are going into unrepayable debt (America's already been in debt before all this -_-), unemployment rates are skyrocketing, etc. If you don't know anything about credit and you're of eligible age to get one, LEARN BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! srsly. If I had to decide on a holiday pick of the year right now, this is a damn good candidate for a damn good reason. But that'd be stupid, so this is instead, without a doubt, my holiday pick of the day.

International Credit Union Day is another economic-related awareness day, but instead of spreading awareness of issues it promotes corporations intended to stimulate the economy and societies. For those who don't know what a Credit Union is and don't feel like reading 100 paragraphs on top of what I'm posting, they're essentially the same as banks. But, they don't crank out a huge profit in order to make one filthy-greedy rich man richer, and use their surplus revenue instead to better their services. Since credit unions usually aren't backstabbing "shoulda read the fine print" corporations, loan sharks, so on and so forth they're certainly something good to spread word about.

Miss American Rose Day is "respect women day", except even more selective and unnecessary. I believe days in honor of a specific ethnicity or in this case, gender, are just rectifying prejudice boundaries even more. Racist and sexist pricks aren't going to care what your minority or majority has accomplished, being a hater means to hate without good reason. These days promote and fill mankind with self-prejudice pride, and do nothing to stop opposing prejudice. But, I'll leave it at that before I go on a huge civil rights-related tangent...

Simchat Torah, or Simḥath Torah (Rejoicing of the Torah), ties in with the previously mentioned Shemini Atzeret, and is another Jewish holiday... If I keep talking about religious holidays (I know next to nothing of Judaism...), I'm gonna start talking out of my ass and insulting said faiths. So here ya go, if you're interested.

Guatemala's Revolution Day celebrates the democratic revolution of 1944, in which their dictator Jorge Ubico y Castaneda was overthrown via peaceful measures; although he certainly did respond with blood at first. The first protesters against his dictatorship were massacred, as well as other unfortunate souls such as a well known reporter. Each incident, no matter how big or small, fueled the fire. The iron fist he used to try and quell the uprising only lead to his obvious loss once free elections were instated in Guatemala. A day to celebrate the birth of democracy, and the end of tyranny, is a damn good excuse to party I can agree with.

Bela Lugosi was a famous Hungarian actor famous for the many horror films and plays he starred in; Dracula probably being the most well known.

Mickey Mantle is one of the countless New York Yankees players that are legendary among fans and haters of the Yankees alike. There's no denying he was a boss at his sport of choice; 'less you're about as stupid as those rabid eight year old 360 fanboys.

... I wonder if we've got any legitimate but 99% likely to be vague estimates for when the economy of the world as a whole becomes bearable again.

EDIT: ****, anyone who read through this wall of tl;dr gets my respect. This is the biggest post of the thread yet, I think. :lol: