The Scrubbiest of Hunters
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- #361
December 17th
Today, we've got just four holidays... Holiday season my ass. ¬_¬
National Maple Syrup Day
Take a New Year's Resolution to Stop Smoking... Day?
Wright Brothers Day
DPrinny's Birthday
National Maple Syrup Day celebrates this sweet syrup of which North America loves so much; or so we all think. Few maple syrup consumers know that the maple syrup you see in stores is actually not maple syrup at all; usually it's just sugar and/or corn syrup. If you read over all the containers you see in the store, you'll find 99% of them say maple syrup flavor, or are called pancake syrup or somethin'. These syrups will contain 'bout a maximum of 5% actual maple syrup. Yeah. The real stuff is always a bit more expensive, but ridiculously more delicious (and even contains less sugar, for the healthy-minded). If all you've had is the generic maple syrup substitute, you're seriously missing out on something even better. Get your hands on the real stuff and enjoy it however you like; toast, waffles, ice cream, the traditional pancakes, whatever.
Saturnalia was effectively a harvest festival celebrated by the Romans of olde; which is to say, before Christianity overrun the world, and thus was celebrated only before Jeebus Christo got into bondage and had a lethal accident. If you know anything of Roman mythology, you would probably guess the festival celebrates Saturn, the god of agriculture. Wine was brewed, feasts were had, gifts were exchanged (yeah, Christmas didn't pioneer this tradition, I can tell ya that much), bonfires were made, and sacrifices would also come into play. T'was a time of joy for anyone not a slave or fated to be sacrificed.
Take a New Year's Resolution to Stop Smoking Day is stupid. Why wait until New Years to stop smoking when you can start on it now? "Stop Smoking Day" would of been the route to take.
Wright Brothers Day celebrates the day these legendary aviation bros achieved a full twelve seconds of powered, human-controlled flight, a feat previously not met by any. Flight had been previously achieved; or rather, gliding; but the wright brothers actually flew off the ground and sustained air with their aeroplane for a time. Their success was an absolute breakthrough for not only aeronautics, but revolutionary in the eyes of man for transportation as a whole. In fact, just this year, Wright Brothers Day is now an official holiday, rectified by Congress and Brock Obama himself. It ain't no labor day in being a vacation holiday, but it's official. HAPPY WRIGHT BROTHERS DAY!
Anyone who's been on Wiichat for more than a day of FC-nabbing knows the legendary d00d who's got that gargantuan post count always seen on the forum home page. DPrinny, formerly Darkprinny (for all you noobs), is without a doubt the most dedicated member Wiichat has ever seen; five years of Wiichattery through good and bad. Always bringin' the good content, being a cool dude, and now bringing the ban hammer. If any Prinny can be a hero, it's this one. Happy (... late >_< ) Birthday, Prinny.
So, who's actually been on a plane? ... If so, did you get stuck with a baby? >_>;
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