The Macho/Chauvenistic Movement THREAD!

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you're not pronouncing it right, it's: Fee-Roo-Lah-ees
Real men leave when they say they're leaving.

Emma can slide on this one, but Adam...tsk tsk tsk.
Yeah what's up with Frogger, one second she's offline and then the other "nu-huh!" and offline again
kiraownsurmom said:
real men push off the essay till the period before

real men disregard gravity *sits in chair on celing*

real men have a collection of pictures of YOUR ot sister

real men actualy read the 1st one
Manliness comes not from making fun of others...
Jeez, I step out for a bikini waxing* and the place just falls apart.

[That's my story, ignore the people in the bushes, Frogger quit shovin'...]
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