The Macho/Chauvenistic Movement THREAD!

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LevesqueIsKing said:
Its about time this thread got back on track (clicky)


YEAHHH!! nice legs on that last one
Wow, that was AWESOME emma. Xd

Also, those thighs are TOO big...nasty...

And yes DT, doing 70 or so to your spot is needed on the great lakes. :p

Tyly....*breaks bat with mind*
Frogger said:
...No, I do not... That's a place outside, isn't it? ¬¬;
It's in St Helens, do you not live in St Helens? I've always thought you lived in St Helens!

Anyway, it's just my mate went there and seeing as I thought you lived in St Helens (you still might, but by the sounds of things you don't) I thought that you might go there.

[Just had a game of poker with the fellas...beers, cash, cards, Street Crime 3 on the box, testosterone related was a manly night!]
Brawny said:
Wow, that was AWESOME emma. Xd

Also, those thighs are TOO big...nasty...

And yes DT, doing 70 or so to your spot is needed on the great lakes. :p

Tyly....*breaks bat with mind*

Just another thing for the nerd wall...
Frogger said:
Just another thing for the nerd wall...
Emma is really owning you today, Kwon. Not just owning, but, really owning, like...badly...

I think I've made my point...
ssbb_lover said:
Emma is really owning you today, Kwon. Not just owning, but, really owning, like...badly...

I think I've made my point...

It's because I'm letting her...and SHE kept me up ALLLLLL NIGHHHTTTT :(

:lol: :lol:
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