The Macho/Chauvenistic Movement THREAD!

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spazzymcwii said:
can you only play online ds with a nintendo USB thing or can you use any wireless internet USB thing?

Is that a challenge?

I think you need a Nintendo one, well, I have one... But I'm not sure.
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Frogger is Mario Kart crazy...she did a pac-man impersonation saying "MARIOKARTMARIOKARTMARIOKART"
No, any router should do. It works at McDonalds.

*has an idea Emma.....* How manly is it to be playing a girl in MD's on a DS?
ARav989 said:
im connected..i think. lol ill check tomorow. gimme your code then k?


Tell me if that's wrong. It's not like I have it memorised or anything...

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