The Macho/Chauvenistic Movement THREAD!

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Best name for girls = chicks.

*knows he's going to get round-house slapped by a chick for saying that*
ssbb_lover said:
Best name for girls = chicks.

*knows he's going to get round-house slapped by a chick for saying that*

My grandad calls me that xD.

But I really don't mind it in that way...
ranger147222 said:
i saw something manly last night on the internet
how to make a laser pointer that can burn stuff it was sweet!!
where???????? i need a project after skool
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  • #294
Sorry, the old battle axe wouldn't let me log in here!

edit: wow what the hell happened in here?!
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  • #296
Yeah don't worry I added you, man.. I think it's time for a party! whooo!!
omfg this thread is awesome. can i join?

*pulls up on the side lines with a chair, a keg of coors, some porno and scratches places some women dont know exist*
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Brawny said:
I am much too chivalrous to join this group.

I shall join the side of the feminists. hahahahah
Lovely, because I was all alone.
Well, I'm not a feminist, I think they're ugly and bitter. But still, I don't fit in around this thread :p
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