the "have you ever" game

No I'm not much of a puncher
Have you ever smiled while somebody called you a nasty name and then you punched their teeth straight down their big ugly neck?
I do things wrong but its usually intentional, lmao.

Have you ever woke up with your little brother sitting on your head?
no and this is for a man only have you ever been peeing and somebody called you and you turn around and pee everywhere (I HAVENT)
Yeah a cop lol

Have you ever Been Caught Playing with Urself

I got a Question Not Due To This Game

Can you cry under water?
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no and have you ever been turned on by a manequine (i think that is how its spelled) you probably can cry underwater if you are wearing goggles if your not wearing goggles you probably still can
Random, no. Punched people for no reason, hell yeah.

Have you ever lost something very important? (like the time I found a folder labeled "confidential" on top of a newspaper stand)

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